


2020-09-12 00:00:00浏览:
成长歌小禾苗,快快长.Small seedlings grow fast小雨点,滴嗒下。
Drizzle, dribble.
小朋友们起得早,Children get up early,嗨哟嗨哟来做操。
Do exercises when you are high.
你健康,我快乐,You are healthy, I am happy,身体健康较重要。
Health is the most important thing.
中午的太阳真灿烂,The sun is shining at noon,小朋友们在学校。
The children are at school.
你一言,我一句,One word from you, one word from me,学习知识多有趣。
How interesting it is to learn.
晚上月亮当空照,The moon shines in the sky at night,小朋友们早休息。
Children have an early rest.
健康睡眠身体好,Healthy sleep good health,早睡早起要保持。
Go to bed early and get up early.
甜甜蜜蜜把梦做,Sweet honey dreams,我们的成长真快乐。
Our growth is so happy.