爱看电视的爷爷我的爷爷虽然快70岁了,但爷爷特别爱看电视。 My grandfather is nearly 70 years old, but he loves watching TV. 晚上吃过晚饭,不知什么原因,有线电视没有信号。 这下,可把爷爷给着急坏了。 一会儿坐在沙发上,一会儿站起来,左转转,右转转,不知该做什么好。 算了,去自己的房间听听收音机吧。 非常不幸运,收音机很久都没有遥了,电池没电。 “唉——”爷爷长叹了一口气,又转身回到了客厅,深情地望了电视机几眼,无奈地摇了摇头。 After dinner in the evening, I don't know why, cable TV has no signal. Now, I'm worried about Grandpa. Sit on the sofa for a while, stand up for a while, turn left and right, I don't know what to do. Forget it. Go to your room and listen to the radio. Unfortunately, the radio hasn't been used for a long time. The battery is dead. "Ah -" Grandpa sighed, turned back to the living room, looked at the TV set affectionately, and shook his head helplessly. 爷爷再次坐在了沙发上。 然而,不到一分钟,又站了起来。 看着电视机,表情停顿了一下,转到了客厅的大鱼缸前面,欲欣赏游来游去的鱼。 没意思,平时家里的鱼都是爷爷在侍弄,已经够烦了,想想看,能看下去吗? ! 于是,又转到窗户前面,观赏观赏花吧。 更没有意思,鱼儿好歹能动,客厅的几盆花,静得像在画中一样,纹丝不动。 “唉——”爷爷又长叹了一口气,再次转到电视机前,看着电视机,脸上写满了焦急和无奈的表情。 Grandpa sat on the sofa again. In less than a minute, however, he stood up again. Looking at the TV, the expression pauses, turns to the front of the big fish tank in the living room, and wants to enjoy the fish swimming around. It's boring. The fish in the house are usually served by grandpa. I'm tired of it. Think about it. Can you read it? ! So, turn to the front of the window and watch the flowers. What's more, the fish can move. The potted flowers in the living room are as still as they are in the picture. "Ah -" Grandpa sighed again, turned to the TV again, and looked at it. His face was filled with anxiety and helplessness. 回想平时晚饭后,我写作业,爸爸妈妈要么陪我写作业,要么看书看报纸,偶尔看看电视。 只有爷爷,跟上班一样,坐在沙发上,祥和地收看着各类电视节目,表情专注,身心投入,从来没有“旷工”的不正常记录。 如果饭桌上爸爸妈妈谈论热播的电视剧,爷爷准能讲出许多情节。 I think about my homework after supper. My parents either accompany me with my homework, or read books and newspapers, and occasionally watch TV. Only Grandpa, just like work, sits on the sofa and watches all kinds of TV programs peacefully. He has never had an abnormal record of "absenteeism". If Mom and dad talk about the popular TV series at the dinner table, Grandpa will be able to tell many stories. 看吧,这就是我爱看电视的爷爷! Look, this is my grandpa who loves watching TV!