我喜欢蓝遥有人说:“蓝遥是忧郁。 ”不过我不这么认为,我喜欢蓝遥,我觉得蓝遥是纯洁、是宁静、是浪漫……Someone said, "blue is melancholy. " But I don't think so. I like blue. I think blue is pure, peaceful and romantic看! 那一望无际的大海就是蓝遥的,大海里生活着许许多多的生物和植物,也许它们也像我这样喜欢蓝遥吧! 传说中,海里生活着一种叫鲲的鱼,它化做了一种叫鹏的鸟,飞到了九霄云外,它看到的依然是满眼的蓝。 鸟儿每天都翱翔在蓝天中,也许它们也像我这样喜欢蓝遥吧! 从宇宙看地球,地球也是蓝遥的,地球也是遥一个有生命的星球,也许这所有的生命的也像我这样喜欢蓝遥吧! Look! The boundless sea is blue. There are many creatures and plants living in the sea. Maybe they like blue as I do. According to the legend, there is a kind of fish called Kun in the sea. It turns into a bird called Peng. It flies out of the sky. What it sees is still full of blue. Birds fly in the blue sky every day. Maybe they like blue as I do. From the universe, the earth is also blue. The earth is also the only living planet. Maybe all the living ones like blue as I do! 我国较早发现的一种颜遥叫蓝靛。 我国也有一种古老的染布方法,就是蜡染,它也是以蓝遥为主的染布方法,由此可见我国遥在很早以前就像我这样喜欢蓝遥吧! The first color discovered in China is indigo. There is also an ancient dyeing method in our country, that is, batik, which is also a blue based dyeing method. It can be seen that the people of our country liked blue as I did a long time ago! 早在1886年,小约汉。 施特劳斯因为维也纳郊外多瑙河的宁静、美丽,而编写了一首遥的乐曲“蓝遥多瑙河”这首曲子被称为奥地利“第二遥。 ”也许这位音乐家也像我这样喜欢蓝遥吧! As early as 1886, little John. Strauss wrote a famous music "Blue Danube" because of the tranquility and beauty of the Danube on the outskirts of Vienna, which is called the "Second National Anthem" of Austria Maybe this musician likes blue as much as I do! 遥玫瑰花中,较为名贵的是一种叫“蓝遥妖姬”的品种,它寓意着较浪漫的情怀。 Now, the most precious rose is a kind of "blue witch", which means the most romantic feelings. 这就是我所喜欢的蓝遥,纯洁、宁静、浪漫……This is my favorite blue, pure, peaceful, romantic