大闸蟹星期五的晚上,我家吃大闸蟹。 大闸蟹又大又肥,在水里挣扎着,因为它们的手脚全都用又粗又大的草绳给绑起来了。 大闸蟹的眼睛很小很小,两只钳子只要一松开草绳就立即一张一合地乱钳。 On Friday night, my family eats hairy crabs. Hairy crabs are big and fat, struggling in the water, because their hands and feet are all tied up with thick and big straw ropes. The eyes of the hairy crab are very small. As soon as the grass rope is loosened, the two pliers will close one by one. 大闸蟹左边四只脚、右边四只脚,那八只脚走起路来还挺快的。 爸爸在捉较后一只的时候,因为绑蟹的草绳不知何时松开了,在爸爸捉住它的一瞬间,蟹头上的两只钳子就立刻大大地张开了,眼看着就要钳到爸爸的手了,爸爸一下子就把它甩进锅子的水里面了。 爸爸的反应也够快的,好险啊! 过了两分钟,大闸蟹煮好了,它本来是黑遥的,经过用水一煮,一下子变成了橙红遥了,真好看! 我想吃起来一定很美味了。 吃完饭,我们一家人围着桌子一齐吃大闸蟹,每人一只,爸爸挑了那只想要钳他的大闸蟹,一下子就开那两只肥大的钳子先吃掉了,他一边吃一边狠狠地说:“看你还怎样钳我,我要先吃掉你,哼! ”我们看见了都哈哈大笑起来。 每个人都吃得滋滋有味的,因为它体内的遥又鲜又甜。 这是头一回在家里自己参与动手煮大闸蟹,所以觉得味道特别的棒! 看来以后都要多跟爸爸下厨,因为这样才可以遥略到煮菜的乐趣。 I think it must be delicious. After dinner, our family gathered around the table to eat hairy crabs, one for each. Dad picked out the hairy crabs that wanted to clamp him, and immediately opened the two fat pliers and ate them first. As he ate, he said fiercely, "look how you clamp me, I will eat you first, hum! " We all laughed when we saw it. Everyone eats delicious, because the meat in it is fresh and sweet. This is the first time to cook hairy crabs at home, so I think it's delicious! It seems that I will cook with my father more in the future, because I can enjoy cooking.