可爱的小乌龟遥,刘老师从桌子下拿出了两只可爱的小乌龟。 Today, Miss Liu took out two cute little tortoises from under the table. 小乌龟小巧玲珑,跟我们手一样大,背上驮着一个大盔甲,像一座小山似的,用手一敲,很坚硬。 小乌龟慢慢地探出了头,它的头是三角形的,头的两边有两条红遥的条纹,红的像火。 它的眼睛小小的,像黑遥的珍珠,鼻子尖尖的,小小的嘴巴。 Little tortoise is small and exquisite, as big as our hands. It carries a big armor on its back, like a hill. It's very hard when it's knocked with its hands. Little turtle slowly out of the head, its head is a triangle, the two sides of the head have two red stripes, red like fire. Its eyes are small, like black pearls, nose is sharp, and mouth is small. 刘老师把乌龟举起来,我们看到了小乌龟的肚子,硬邦邦的,布满了花纹。 四只脚短短的,扁扁的,像小般的划桨,有趣的是它的尾巴,可以控制方向。 Miss Liu raised the tortoise. We saw the little tortoise's belly, which was hard and full of patterns. Four short feet, flat, like a small paddle, interesting is its tail, can control the direction. 小乌龟在水里游来游去,我觉得它真可爱! Little turtle is swimming around in the water. I think it's lovely!