送给幼儿园老师的诗《送给小朋友的毕业诗》Graduation poem for children我盼望,我激动。 I hope. I'm excited. 我想对小朋友说:I want to say to the children:我们要毕业了。 We are going to graduate. 我舍不得离开,I'm reluctant to leave,别让毕业带走我们的友情。 Don't let graduation take away our friendship. 但是不管走到哪,But wherever you go,我们的心永远相通! 再见吧! Our hearts are always connected! Goodbye! 小朋友,Children,让我们开开心心的走进小学的大门。 Let's enter the gate of primary school happily. 《送给老师》"To the teacher"亲爱的老师,Dear teacher,您辛勤培育我,You cultivate me hard,您就是大海,You are the sea,我就是小鱼。 I am a little fish. 您让我在智慧的海洋里畅游! You let me swim in the ocean of wisdom! 我希望能永远在老师的身边! I hope to be around the teacher forever! 老师就象花园的园丁,A teacher is like a gardener in a garden,我就是小花,I am Xiaohua,如果没有您! Without you! 我不会懂得知识。 I don't know. 老师,老师您真好! Teacher, how nice of you! 遥,我就要毕业了! Today, I am going to graduate! 我心里有很多祝福想对您说:I have many blessings in my heart to say to you:谢谢您对我的培育,Thank you for cultivating me,让我健康快乐的成长! Let me grow up healthy and happy!