我爱家乡的桥我的家乡是一个美丽的小村庄。 这里有一座美丽、雄伟的桥,正因为这座桥在我们这里很出名,所以我家乡的地名叫作“普安桥”。 My hometown is a beautiful small village. There is a beautiful and magnificent bridge here. Because this bridge is very famous here, the place name of my hometown is called "Pu'an bridge". 这次暑假,妈妈还特地带着我和弟弟去参观了这座桥。 This summer vacation, my mother took my brother and I to visit the bridge. 听妈妈讲,这座桥在1975年建起的,这一天也刚好是妈妈的出生年月,所以,妈妈格外喜欢这座桥。 也因为这样,我也把这座桥叫做“母亲桥”。 Listen to my mother, this bridge was built in 1975, which also happens to be my mother's birthday, so my mother likes this bridge very much. Because of this, I also call this bridge "mother bridge". 一个阳光明媚的一天,妈妈带着我和弟弟来到了桥的附近,终于见到了这座雄伟的桥。 放眼望去,一条宽阔的大江进入我们的眼帘,蔚蓝的江水缓缓东去;阳光洒满大地,波光粼粼;凉爽的江风徐徐吹来,令人心旷神怡。 这儿的江水可不像长江的水那么浊,它碧清透绿,清澈见底,遥像翡翠。 江边的水草摇摇摆摆,好像在遥它们那优美的舞姿;江中正游着一群嬉戏的鸭子,瞧它们那滑稽的样子,可真逗! 岸上有几头遥牛正在津津有味地吃着草;在桥的两旁有许多民房,勤劳的人们在幸福地生活着……啊! 多么美的景象啊,我遥陶醉在这幅美丽得到风景画当中。 One sunny day, my mother took my brother and I to the bridge, and finally saw the magnificent bridge. Looking forward, a broad river enters our eyes, and the blue river slowly goes East; the sun is shining on the earth, and the cool river wind is blowing slowly, which makes us relaxed and happy. The river here is not as turbid as the water of the Yangtze River. It is green, clear and emerald. The water plants beside the river are shaking, as if they are showing their beautiful dancing posture; a group of ducks are swimming in the river, and look at their funny appearance, it's really funny! There are several yellow cattle eating grass with relish on the bank; there are many houses on both sides of the bridge, and industrious people are living happily Ah! What a beautiful scene! I am totally intoxicated in this beautiful scenery painting. 远看普安桥,给人的感觉是雄伟,气势不凡。 它有3个大墩在江中矗立着,墩子上各有4个大拱门。 桥有4层楼高。 墩子和拱门倒映在水中,非常美观。 Looking at Pu'an bridge from a long distance, it feels majestic and magnificent. It has three big piers standing in the river, each with four big arches. The bridge is four stories high. The pier and arch are reflected in the water, very beautiful. 近看普安桥,更是令人赞叹不已。 桥长100多米,宽有10多米。 是连接东西两岸的重要桥梁。 桥上来来往往的车辆,人流穿梭而过,十分繁忙,十分热闹。 桥上也有着正方形的小墩子,我数了一下,共有96个。 每两个墩子之间有两米的围栏,图案是棱形的,很遥。 Looking at Pu'an bridge, it's even more amazing. The bridge is more than 100 meters long and more than 10 meters wide. It is an important bridge connecting the East and the West. The traffic on the bridge is busy and bustling. There are also small square piers on the bridge. I counted 96 of them. There is a two meter fence between every two piers. The pattern is prismatic and exquisite. 时间过得飞快,我们已经停留了一下午。 我向远处眺望,一轮红日渐渐地遥下来,美丽的晚霞映照在江面,也给雄伟的桥涂上了一层炫耀的光彩……Time flies. We have been staying all afternoon. I look at the distance, a round of red sun gradually falling down, the beautiful sunset reflected on the river, but also to the magnificent bridge painted with a layer of ostentatious luster家乡的桥经历了三十多年的岁月磨砺,遥也有些破旧,但不管风吹雨打,它依然矗立江中,为了两岸的人们默默无闻地奉献着。 The bridge in my hometown has been honed for more than 30 years, and now it's a bit shabby. However, despite the wind and rain, it still stands in the river, contributing to the people on both sides of the river. 家乡的普安桥真美呀,我爱家乡的桥,我爱家乡的“母亲桥”! The Pu'an bridge in my hometown is so beautiful. I love the bridge in my hometown. I love the "mother bridge" in my hometown!