花的奥秘自然界赋予了花卉一个美丽的外表,而且与人类还有着特殊关系,随着时代的发展与进步,花卉已经与人类生活息息相关。 当你置身于花海中,也许你会陶醉、享受着它们带来缤纷多彩和沁人心脾的芳香,可你了解它们外在的美对你的健康又如何吗? Nature endows flowers with a beautiful appearance, and has a special relationship with human beings. With the development and progress of the times, flowers have been closely related to human life. When you are in the sea of flowers, maybe you will be intoxicated and enjoy the colorful and refreshing fragrance they bring, but do you know how their external beauty is to your health? 百合花象征着百年好合,虽然它的寓意很美,但是遥间闻百合的香味会使中枢神经过度兴奋引起失眠,与它相提并论的还有兰花。 Lilies symbolize a good marriage for a hundred years. Although its implication is very beautiful, long-term smell of lilies will make the central nervous system over excited and cause insomnia. 月季花浪漫美丽,花味幽香,但它的味道会使过敏的人感到胸闷、呼吸困难,而竹桃所散发的气体易引起人患气管炎、肺炎,它给人们带来的弊远大于利。 Rose flowers are romantic and beautiful, with a delicate fragrance, but their taste will make people with allergies feel chest tightness and breathing difficulties, while the gas emitted by bamboo and peach can easily cause tracheitis and pneumonia, which brings far more harm than good. 洋绣球它与上述几种花有所不同,它散发的气味对人体遥不是很大,可遥间接触它散发的微粒会使人出现皮肤痒痒。 Hydrangea is different from the above-mentioned flowers. The smell it emits is not very irritating to human body, but long-term contact with the particles it emits will make people itch. 我们在欣赏鲜花美丽外表的同时还要了解内在的奥秘,它虽然可以点缀装扮屋室,但是一定要科学地去选择它。 While appreciating the beautiful appearance of flowers, we also need to understand the inner mystery. Although it can decorate the room, we must choose it scientifically.