可爱的小虎子我的邻居家有一个孙孙,名叫小虎子。 听,多帅的名字呀! 小虎子不但名字帅,长相也帅。 圆圆的脸庞上嵌着一对虎里虎气的大眼睛,看上去是那样有神,他那乌黑的眼珠在眼眶里骨碌碌地转着,是那样的机灵。 高高的鼻梁下面长着一张遥嘟嘟的小嘴,两个深深的小酒窝,印在那活泼可爱的小面孔上。 My neighbor has a grandson, whose name is Xiao Huzi. Listen, what a handsome name! Little tiger is not only handsome in name but also in appearance. The round face is inlaid with a pair of big tiger like eyes. It looks so divine. His black eyes are rolling in the eyes, so smart. Under the high bridge of the nose, there is a small mouth full of meat, two deep dimples, which are printed on the small and lively face holes. 我佩服小虎子的顽皮。 每当见了我,他总要搂着我的腰,大声说:“好爷爷,亲爷爷,还有那个老爷爷。 ”惹得我们全家人哈哈大笑,别人说他有多动症,“不会走路,只会跑”,我觉得也是。 I admire tiger's naughtiness. Whenever he saw me, he would always hug my waist and say loudly: "good Grandpa, pro Grandpa, and that Grandpa. " It made our whole family laugh. Others said he had ADHD, "can't walk, can only run". I think so. 我还佩服小虎子很爱好画画。 每次我到他家,他总缠着我,要我教他画画。 他备好颜料,拿起毛笔,挥笔作画,还真有小画家的气派呀! 小虎子一笔一画地画完一只小鹿,兴致勃勃地拿给我看。 “哈哈,这哪儿像鹿,简直是一头驴。 ”被我这一取笑,小虎子的脸刷的一下子红了,我本以为他会扔掉毛笔,跑到一边去。 可是没想到小虎子又换了一张纸,重新作画,我赶忙凑过去,像老师一样指导他,看他那酷爱学习的样子,真像个小学生。 I also admire tiger's love of painting. Every time I come to his house, he always pesters me and asks me to teach him how to draw. He prepared the paint, picked up the brush and drew with it. It's really like a little painter! Xiaohuzi finished painting a deer one by one and showed it to me with interest. "Haha, it's like a deer. It's like a donkey. " Being teased by me, tiger's face turned red. I thought he would throw away his brush and run away. But I didn't expect tiger son to change a piece of paper and make a new picture. I hurried to guide him like a teacher. It was like a primary school student to see his love of learning. 我更佩服小虎子会作打油诗。 自从小虎子上学以后,每学一首古诗,他总改成自己写的诗。 就拿《春晓》这首诗来说吧,学了《春晓》这首诗,他就在家里左思右想,较后终于想出来了──《春晓》:“春眠不觉晓,处处蚊子咬。 打上敌敌畏,不知死多少。 ”听,多有趣呀,调皮的虎子又增添了几分幽默遥彩! I admire tiger's ability to write doggerel. Since Xiao Huzi went to school, every time he learned an ancient poem, he always changed it into a poem he wrote. Take the poem "Spring Dawn" for example. After learning the poem, "Spring Dawn", he left and right at home, and finally came up with the poem - "Spring Dawn": "spring sleeps without knowing the dawn, and mosquitoes bite everywhere. I don't know how much I'm going to die in fighting against dichlorvos. " Listen, how interesting! The naughty tiger adds some humor! 小虎子实在太天真了,太活泼可爱了,遥虎脑的,怪不得小名叫虎子呢! Little tiger is so naive, so lively and cute. No wonder its name is tiger!