田园的清晨田园的清晨是那样的美丽,无不散发着泥土的芳香。 草儿喝着露珠的甘,鸟儿叽叽喳喳地唱着幸福的歌,睡眼朦胧的麦芽,被一颗颗轻柔的醒,经过农民朋友的细细修整---浇、施肥、锄草,它们一双双嫩嫩的小手,打着欢快的节,开始抑扬顿挫地朗读风。 The early morning in the countryside is so beautiful that it sends out the fragrance of soil. The grass is drinking the sweet dew, the birds are chirping the happy songs, the malt with dim sleep eyes is awakened gently by one by one, after the careful repair of farmers' friends - watering, fertilizing and weeding, they have a pair of tender little hands, playing a happy festival, and begin to read the wind in a cadence. 田园的清晨是这样的醉。 红彤彤的太从东方渐渐露出了孩子般的笑脸,世间万物面目一新,在晨风中诉说着对光的感。 The early morning in the countryside is so drunk. Red too from the east gradually revealed a child like smile, everything in the world is new, in the morning wind to tell the feeling of light. 清晨中忙碌的农民伯伯们,允吸着清新的空气,忘却了疲惫,忘却了烦恼。 忙碌在田园的清晨,遥略着美好的风光,享受着清新空的清香。 In the early morning, busy farmers and uncles are allowed to breathe fresh air, forget fatigue, forget worry. Busy in the early morning of the countryside, enjoying the beautiful scenery and the fresh and empty fragrance. 望着田园的风光,好想变成一只百灵鸟,用清脆的歌喉,唱响心中的梦想! Looking at the rural scenery, I really want to become a lark and sing my dream with a clear voice! 望着天空,望着游走的云朵,望着路边的景物,任思想海阔天空的奔驰,让疲惫的心在这片净地休憩。 活着不能活得太清醒,偶尔放纵一下思想的遥,也未尝遥。 Looking at the sky, looking at the wandering clouds, looking at the scenery on the side of the road, let the thought of the vast sky gallop, let the tired heart rest in this pure land. We can't live too soberly. It's not too bad to indulge our freedom of thought occasionally.