我敬佩我自己同学们都说,我是个不服输的家伙。 没错,我的口头禅便是:我并不差! The students all said that I am a guy who can't accept defeat. Yes, my mantra is: I'm not bad! 教室里静悄悄的,同学们都在啃一道数学难题。 时间一分一秒地流逝着,但我的思路仍像一团乱麻,就是理不出一个头绪来。 面对草稿纸上演算得一团糟的解题过程,我恨恨地在上面打了一个叉号。 The classroom is quiet. The students are all gnawing at a math problem. Time is passing by, but my thinking is still like a mess, I just can't get a clue. In the face of the messy problem-solving process of draft paper performance, I hate to put a cross on it. “老师,答案是‘6’吗? ”A君挥舞着他的答案,颇有些自豪地喊道。 "Teacher, is the answer '6'? " A Jun waved his answer and shouted proudly. “对。 ”老师用赞许的目光肯定了A君的答案。 我的心却揪得更紧了,像只麻袋被收紧了口子一样。 “我不能服输! ”我暗暗地下着决心。 "Yes. " The teacher affirmed a Jun's answer with the eyes of approval. But my heart was tightened like a sack. "I can't give in! " I was secretly determined. “老师,我的答案也是‘6’! ”B君的答案也出炉了。 "Teacher, my answer is' 6 '! " B Jun's answer is coming out. “没错,我也算出来了! ”C君附和着。 "Yes, I did! " C is attached. ……. . . 这节课在紧张与焦急中过得可真快。 下课了,可是属于我自己的那个答案却仍然迟迟没有消息。 A君在我的身旁神侃着他的杰作,这更把我的自尊心给刺痛了。 然而转念间我便又遥在心里喊出了那句话:“我并不差! ”简单的四个字使我信心大增,我遥扎入了题目当中。 我双臂拄在桌子上支撑着已经隐隐作痛的脑袋,又遥认真地审视着题目里的每一个字。 我右手又抄着笔,在草稿纸上画出了草图,标好已知条件,好像转迷宫似的在图上比划着,绞尽脑汁地寻找着解题的思路,争取不放过任何一个灵感。 加油,就要想出来了! 每做出一步我都会这样鼓励自己。 或许是我太过于专注的原因吧,我竟然没有发现自己的右手紧紧地握着拳头! 终于,就在灵光一闪之间,我顿时茅塞顿开,飞快地写下了结果。 尔后,经过几步进一步的计算,哈,较后的答案终于诞生了,没错,是‘6’,我的答案也是‘6’! This class is really fast in tension and anxiety. Class is over, but the answer that belongs to me still has no news. Jun A is talking about his masterpiece beside me, which pricks my self-esteem even more. But in a second I cried out in my heart, "I'm not bad! " The simple four words increased my confidence, and I plunged into the topic again and again. I leaned on the table with my arms on my head, which was already aching. I carefully examined every word in the topic again. With my right hand, I drew a sketch on the draft paper and marked the known conditions. It was like a labyrinth. I tried my best to find the way to solve the problem and strive for any inspiration. Come on, it's about to come out! I will encourage myself in every step. Maybe it's because I'm too focused. I didn't find my right hand clenched tightly! Finally, in a flash of inspiration, I wrote down the results quickly. Then, after several steps of further calculation, ha, the final answer is finally born, yes, it is' 6 ', and my answer is' 6'! 我高兴遥了,誉跃了好久。 我把答案捧在胸前,像是捧着自己的一件伟大的作品。 我默默地对自己说:“我并不差! ”I was so happy and honored for a long time. I hold the answer on my chest, like holding a great work of my own. I said to myself in silence, "I'm not bad! "在人生的旅途上,失败、挫折是难遥的,而我们应该如何对待呢? 我想我们应该大吼一声:“我并不差! ”这样,我们便会重拾信心,奔向胜利,做自己的主人,做自己。 In the journey of life, failure and setback are inevitable, but how should we deal with them? I think we should shout: "I'm not bad! " In this way, we will regain our confidence, run for victory, be our masters and ourselves.