九峰公园金秋时节,丹桂飘香,风景宜人。 走进九峰公园,闻到了沁人心脾的桂花香味,看到了桂花串串盛开的美景,听到了“啧啧”的赞叹声。 人们有的抬起头,有的伸长脖子,有的踮起脚,有的伸长手臂,有的拿起照相机拍摄下来,细细品赏。 In the golden autumn, the sweet scented osmanthus and pleasant scenery. Walking into Jiufeng Park, I smell the refreshing fragrance of osmanthus, see the beautiful scenery of Osmanthus in full bloom, and hear the praise of "tut tut". Some people raise their heads, some stretch their necks, some stand on tiptoe, some stretch their arms, some take pictures with cameras and enjoy them. 九峰公园内有桂花四五百株,其中树龄达到一二百年就有几十株,是名副其实的赏桂基地。 每逢金秋时节,赏桂就成了遥岩人们较期待的乐事遥,“九峰公园桂花开了没? ”自然而然也就成了较流行的一句话。 由于桂花对温度和湿度非常敏感,花期又与秋季降温有关,上阶段气温偏高,而遥这种白天阳光充沛,早晚凉爽湿润的天气十分有利于桂树的营养积累,也易促使雨露形成,桂树随之加速开花,因此今年开花要比去年晚半个月左右。 There are 4500 osmanthus plants in Jiufeng Park, among which there are dozens when the age of trees reaches 1200 years. It is a real base for appreciating osmanthus. In the golden autumn, appreciating the osmanthus has become one of the most anticipated pleasures of Huangyan people Naturally, it has become the most popular sentence. Because Osmanthus fragrans is very sensitive to temperature and humidity, and its flowering period is related to autumn cooling. In the last stage, the temperature was on the high side. Now, this kind of sunny day, cool and humid weather in the morning and evening is very conducive to the nutrition accumulation of Osmanthus fragrans, and it is easy to promote the formation of rain and dew, and Osmanthus fragrans will flower faster. Therefore, this year's flowering will be about half a month later than last year. 李清照称桂花树“自是花中第遥”,真是名不虚传。 瞧! 金桂橘红,银桂淡遥,那一串串、一簇簇的小花在柔风中推摸着,拥挤着,交头接耳,那神态,就像一群挤在窝边叽叽喳喳挣食的雏燕,朵朵迷人的小花,从叶子里伸出迷人的小脸蛋,东瞧瞧,西望望,好象看见了什么新鲜事儿……它能激遥思,给人以无穷的遐想。 Li Qingzhao called the osmanthus tree "the first-class among the flowers", which is worthy of its name. Look! Golden osmanthus, orange and silver osmanthus are light yellow. Clusters of small flowers are pushing and touching in the soft wind. They are crowding and whispering. Their looks are like a group of nestlings chirping around their nests and charming flowers stretching out their charming faces from the leaves. Looking east and West, they seem to see something new It can stimulate feelings and give people endless reverie.