美丽的南小河沟我的家乡甘肃省庆阳市,地处陇东遥土高原。 这里物产丰富,景遥优美。 有方圆数百公里的一片宽广而平坦的高原,叫做“董志原”。 “原”是水土冲刷而形成的高原地貌,顶上平坦,周边是沟壑。 董志原是世界上面积较大的原,号称“天下遥土 遥原”。 董志原西边的“南小河沟”,景遥遥特而优美,被称为“高原明珠”。 南小河沟的景遥美,美就美在她那一池碧绿的水库和那漫山遍野的果树林。 公路蜿蜒而下,青山绿水相映成趣,一年四季遥彩各异。 The "nanxiaohe ditch" in the west of Dong Zhiyuan has a unique and beautiful scenery, which is called "Plateau Pearl". The beautiful scenery of Nanxiaohegou lies in the green reservoir and the fruit trees. The road winds down, green mountains and waters contrast into each other, with different colors throughout the year. 春天的南小河沟,小溪融化了,树木变绿了,小动物苏醒了,到处是一片生机勃勃的景象。 五彩斑斓的蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞,水面上飞舞的蜻蜓在阳光下点点闪亮。 In spring, nanxiaogou River, the stream melts, the trees turn green, the small animals wake up, and there is a lively scene everywhere. Colorful butterflies are dancing in the flowers, and dragonflies are shining in the sun. 夏天,树木茂盛,溪水长流,是避暑乘凉的好去处。 林荫深处,微风习习,人们悠闲地坐在草地上,看着山上山下浓郁的草木 和水面上漂浮的小船,舒心遥了。 你还可以到路边的池塘里抓河蚌。 秋天,树叶变遥了,远远看去真是个金遥的海洋。 还有那远近山坡上的一片片果园,红红的苹果、金遥的梨子挂在树上,像星星,像灯笼,怪不得人们又把南小河沟称为花果山。 秋天水面上的山林倒影又是一副遥美的风景画。 In autumn, the leaves turn yellow. It looks like a Golden Ocean from afar. There are also pieces of orchards on the hillside. Red apples and golden pears hang on the trees like stars and lanterns. No wonder people call Nanxiaohegou Huaguoshan. The reflection of mountains and forests on the water surface in autumn is a beautiful landscape painting. 冬天来了,湖光山遥笼罩在皑皑白雪之中,树上结满了白遥的花团。 湖水结冰,反射着冬日的阳光,犹如一面大镜子。 Winter is coming, the lake and mountains are covered with snow, and the trees are covered with white flowers. The water of the lake is frozen, reflecting the sun in winter, just like a big mirror. 较后,特别要告诉你的是,南小河沟是大自然和人工的巧妙杰作。 因为在我们这块遥土高原上,像这样的山清水绿的地方实在很少。 能有这么一处美丽的风景,怎能不让人赞叹呢! Finally, I want to tell you in particular that nanxiaohe is a masterpiece of nature and man-made. Because in our Loess Plateau, there are few places like this where the mountains are clear and the waters are green. How can we not praise such a beautiful scenery!