


2020-07-18 00:00:00浏览:
四季的脚步春天的脚步悄悄,The steps of spring are quiet,悄悄地,她笑着走来——Quietly, she came with a smile——燕子唱起了歌儿The swallow sang——叽叽喳喳,叽叽喳喳,——Twitter, twitter,柳树露出了嫩绿的芽儿。
The willow showed its green shoots.
夏天的脚步悄悄,The footsteps of summer are quiet,悄悄地,她笑着走来——Quietly, she came with a smile——小青蛙唱起了歌儿The little frog sang——呱呱,呱呱,,——Quack, quack给人们带来了欢乐。
It brings people joy.
秋天的脚步悄悄,The footsteps of autumn are quiet,悄悄地,她笑着走来——Quietly, she came with a smile——苹果露出了红红的脸颊The apple showed its red cheek——嘻嘻,嘻嘻,——Hee hee, hee hee,给人们带来丰收。
Bring people a good harvest.
冬天的脚步悄悄,The footsteps of winter are quiet,悄悄地,她笑着走来——Quietly, she came with a smile——雪花唱起了歌儿Snow is singing——呼呼,呼呼,——Whoop, whoop,给小朋友带来了欢笑。
It brings laughter to the children.