江南立交桥我的家乡是美丽的山城重庆,我家住在四公里。 遥开发经济发展,车子变多了,进城的时候经常堵车,如果遇到天气热的话,汗流浃背,人们发出了更多的埋怨声和叫苦声,这一时间惊动了遥,很快顺利民心宣布修一座桥叫江南立交桥。 My hometown is Chongqing, a beautiful mountain city. My family lives four kilometers. With the development of reform and development of economy, there are more cars. When entering the city, there are often traffic jams. If the weather is hot, people are sweating and making more complaints and cries. At this time, the government is alarmed. Soon, the people announce the construction of a bridge called Jiangnan overpass. 工人马上开工,在各位市民的支持下,这个雄伟壮观的江南立交桥拔地而起。 立交桥横贯东、西、南、北四通八达,整个立交桥就象一个大大的迷宫。 立交桥共有四个出口:遥个出口联系内环高速公路,第二个出口联系南坪,第三个出口联系李家佗,第四个出口联系鹅公岩大桥。 举目眺望,立交桥就象一条长长的丝带,川流不息的汽车飞奔在桥上桥下。 晚上的立交桥,灯火闪烁,好象五彩斑阑的灯带一样。 美丽及至,它更是夜晚山城中的一道亮丽的风景线。 The workers started work immediately. With the support of all the citizens, the magnificent Jiangnan overpass rose. Overpass across the East, West, South and North, the whole overpass is like a big maze. There are four exits for the flyover: the first is connected with the inner ring expressway, the second is connected with Nanping, the third is connected with lijiatuo, and the fourth is connected with Egongyan bridge. Looking up, the overpass is like a long ribbon, with endless cars running up and down the bridge. At night, the light of the overpass is flashing, like a colorful band of lights. It is a beautiful scenery in the mountain city at night. 每当,我坐车经过的时候,享受着交通给人们带来的便利,高科技真好! 从遥开始我要好好学习,长大了当一名工程师,为遥壮丽发展作出贡献。 When I pass by by by car, I enjoy the convenience brought by traffic. Hi tech is so good! From now on, I will study hard, grow up to be an engineer, and make contributions to the magnificent development of China.