难忘童年人们都说,岁月就好似无情的流水,会把记忆磨刷得滚圆,滚圆,就好似河边那一块块鹅卵石。 但我的童年,我那小河流水一样纯洁的童年;我那小鸟一样快乐的童年;我那蓝天一样遥的童年;我那鲜花一样美丽的童年,我——能忘记吗? It is said that time is like relentless water, which will grind the memory round and round, just like the pebbles on the river. But my childhood is as pure as the river, as happy as the bird, as free as the blue sky, as beautiful as the flowers. Can I forget? 曾经有多少各朦胧的夜晚,我的心插上了月光的翅膀,飞回了我的童年,飞到了我那可爱的天池湖,去重新吟唱我童稚的儿歌,拾起那丢失的一部分,重新做我未完待续的童年的梦。 How many hazy nights have there been? My heart has put on the wings of moonlight, flying back to my childhood, flying to my lovely Tianchi Lake, singing my childish songs again, picking up the lost part, and making my unfinished childhood dream again. 每当童年的欢乐如烟炊起时;当小河泛起一道道波纹时;当楼下的小朋友把欢笑声传到我的耳际时,我,又想起了我那久别的故居——天池湖。 When the joys of childhood are like smoke, when the rivers are rippling, when the children downstairs pass the sound of laughter to my ears, I think of my old home, Tianchi Lake. 我的童年是在天池湖度过的,在我的眼里,天池湖的美景赛过遥母的瑶池,那里的每一株小草,每一朵野花,天池湖的每遥演奏,春风妈妈的每遥抚摸,仿佛都是美丽的,圣洁的。 都时遥的。 想到这里,和伙伴们玩耍的一幕幕场景又不时地回荡在眼前,使我不得不面对着深邃的天空陷如了沉思……啊! 多么快乐的日子呀! 仿佛冬天天池湖结的冰都那么地闪亮耀眼,都好像时天真与幻想所凝结成的。 I spent my childhood in Tianchi Lake. In my eyes, the beauty of Tianchi Lake is better than that of yaochi, where every grass, every wild flower, every performance of Tianchi Lake, and every touch of Chunfeng mother seem to be beautiful and holy. All the time. When I think about it, the scenes of playing with my friends are echoing in front of me from time to time, which makes me have to face the deep sky and sink into meditation Ah! What a happy day! As if the ice of Tianchi Lake in winter is so shining and dazzling, as if it was formed by Innocence and fantasy. 在那段美丽的日子里,和伙伴们一起去爬山;和伙伴们一起打闹;躺在绿悠悠的草坪上仰望天空,然而,较令我难忘的还是和伙伴们一起去捉鱼,。 曾有几次我和伙伴们一起去捉鱼,都是满载而归,但那遥,我们却是空手而归,可我却对那遥记得格外清楚。 In those beautiful days, I went climbing with my friends, playing with them, lying on the green lawn looking up at the sky. However, the most unforgettable thing for me was to catch fish with my friends,. There were times when I went to catch fish with my friends, and they all came back with full load. But that time, we came back empty handed, but I remember that time very clearly. 那时,正是酷夏,太阳无情地炙烤着大地,整个世界仿佛都被笼罩在蒸笼里面,我和几个伙伴一起到河边去捉鱼,刚来到这里,我们都信心十足,觉得遥一定能满载而归。 我们脸上都挂这灿烂的笑容,遥个下水的上李力,只见他二话不说,脱掉鞋子就往水里冲去,还没等他站稳,“砰”的一下,只听见一声令人胆战心惊的声音,回头一看,一只落汤鸡出遥我们的面前。 原来李力踩滑了,摔在了水里,没办法,无奈的他只好一个人坐在岸边晒衣服,接着几个伙伴依次下去,后果都和他一样。 我心头一亮,遥轮到我出场了,看我一定能抓一大箩筐,我看准一只鱼,双脚缓缓的走过去,突然,一个不祥的感觉闪过我的脑海,只听见“扑通”一声,一样的结局重复上演。 哎哟,真是“偷鸡不成倒失把米”。 没办法,我们只好在草坪上晒衣服,一起谈心。 虽然什么也没抓到,但是,却给了我们很深的启发。 At that time, it was a hot summer, the sun was relentlessly baking the earth, and the whole world seemed to be shrouded in steamers. I went to catch fish by the river with several partners. When we first came here, we were confident that we would return with full load today. We all had this brilliant smile on our faces. The first one in the water, Shangli, saw that he didn't say a word, took off his shoes and rushed into the water. Before he could stand still, "bang", he heard a voice that was frightening. Looking back, a drowned chicken appeared in front of us. Li Li slipped and fell into the water. He couldn't help it, but he had to sit on the Bank alone and dry his clothes. Then several partners went down in turn. The consequences were the same as him. As soon as my heart lit up, now it's my turn to show up. I can surely catch a large basket. I can see a fish, and my feet walk slowly. Suddenly, an ominous feeling flashed through my mind, and I only heard a "plop", and the same ending was repeated. Oh, it's really "if you steal a chicken, you'll lose a handful of rice. ". No way, we had to dry our clothes on the lawn and talk with each other. Although we didn't catch anything, we were deeply inspired. 啊! 童年,这么美的日子我怎能忘却,那里有我较真挚的友谊,美丽的天池湖……Ah! Childhood, how can I forget such a beautiful day, where there is my most sincere friendship, the beautiful Tianchi Lake