获奖发言敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们:Dear teachers and students你们好! How do you do! 遥,我非常荣幸能获得首届艺术节中书法项目的第二名,当我听见站在舞台上的老师说道:“黎晓然”,这三个字时,我非常惊讶,觉有点遥思议,于是,我就带着既激动又有点害羞的心情走上了遥奖台。 当我从顾校长手里接过奖状时,我的脸红了,我的心跳加速,怦怦地跳起来,手还不时地冒出汗粒来。 真是想不到我竟然会得二等奖。 我接过奖状后,目不转睛的盯这手里的奖状,上边写着:“五班黎晓然同学在2006至2007年度荣获首届科技文化艺术节毛笔书法二等奖。 特发此奖,以资鼓励。 ”我实在太高兴了,因为我获得了一张写着自己多年来的努力,是我小学生涯中的第二张“成绩单”。 获得这张“成绩单”的人,不但只是我一个人,而是父母、老师和我的共同努力换回来的。 如果没有父母的支持,就没有我遥的小成就,如果没有老师的指点和教导,也不会有我如今的成果。 Today, I am very honored to win the second place in the calligraphy project of the first art festival. When I heard the teacher standing on the stage saying: "Li Xiaoran", I was very surprised and felt a little inconceivable, so I went to the podium with both excitement and shyness. When I received the certificate from President Gu, my face turned red, my heart beat faster, and my hands sweated from time to time. I can't believe I won the second prize. After I received the certificate, I kept my eyes on the certificate. It said: "Li Xiaoran, class 5, won the second prize of brush calligraphy in the first science, technology, culture and Art Festival from 2006 to 2007. This award is hereby awarded for encouragement. " I'm so happy because I got the second "report card" in my primary school life, which is written with my efforts over the years. The person who got this "report card" is not only me, but also my parents, teachers and I worked together to get it back. Without the support of my parents, there would be no small achievement of mine today. Without the guidance and instruction of my teachers, there would be no achievement of mine today. 每次到老师家学书法时,我都非常认真地写,写得不对,老师就示范给我看,我看着看着,自己的手腕总是不由自主地动起来,就写“一字”吧,你别以为很简单,看似简单写似难呀! 首先,露锋起笔,向右下稍顿后,轻提向右横出,至收笔处向下作顿势,然后回锋。 这学呢,就要认真可,我平时一学完回到家就及时拿出笔墨练习书法,生怕忘记了。 我呀,不但在老师家学书法可,而且常到书店找有关书法的书籍。 Every time when I come to the teacher's home to learn calligraphy, I write very carefully. If it's not right, the teacher will show it to me. I'll watch it. My wrist always moves involuntarily. Just write "one word". Don't think it's very simple. It seems that it's difficult to write simply! First of all, Lu Feng starts to write. After a slight pause to the right, he gently raises the pen to the right and crosses it out to the right. Then he returns to the front. In this study, I should be serious. I usually take out my pen and ink to practice calligraphy as soon as I get home from school, lest I forget it. I'm not only learning calligraphy at my teacher's house, but also looking for books about calligraphy in bookstores. 虽然遥只有小小的“成绩单”,但只要努力,哪怕是小小的“成绩单”就算是更大的“成绩单”也不成问题。 Although there is only a small "report card" today, as long as efforts are made, even a small "report card" even a larger "report card" will not be a problem. 谢谢大家Thank you.