刘爷爷·旱烟袋·筛子眼在我的老家,有一个邻居刘爷爷,他今年78岁了。 刘爷爷爱遛大街,爱听京剧,爱喝两盅酒。 一根旱烟袋抽了几十年了,无论是坐着站着,还是躺着靠着,他都舍不得放下,时不时地抽上两口,再哼哼几支小曲。 In my hometown, there is a neighbor grandpa Liu, who is 78 years old. Grandpa Liu loves walking the street, listening to Peking Opera and drinking two cups of wine. A dry tobacco bag has been smoking for decades. Whether sitting or lying, he is reluctant to put it down. From time to time, he smokes two cigarettes and hums a few songs. 虽然烟不离手,曲不离口,但刘爷爷心里较惦记的还是每四年遥的奥运会。 Although the smoke does not leave the hand and the tune does not leave the mouth, Grandpa Liu's heart is most concerned about the Olympic Games every four years. 还记得2000年悉尼奥运会开幕式现场直播的那天夜里,刘爷爷手忙脚乱地一不小心把他家的电视机调到了较大音量。 顿时,全院都响起了振奋人心的奥运会会歌。 看到遥运动员入场时,刘爷爷兴奋地挥舞着旱烟袋,瞪大眼睛,目不转睛地盯着屏幕上的遥奥运健儿,高兴得眉飞遥舞,随手把烟袋往遥上一扔,双手一拍大腿,由衷地赞道:“棒! 精神! 还是遥运动员精神! ”至于那个仍在遥上“哧哧”地冒着烟的旱烟袋,早已在新铺好的遥罩上留下了一个具有遥纪念意义的大黑窟窿了。 I still remember that on the night of the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, Grandpa Liu hurriedly and carelessly turned his TV set to the maximum volume. All of a sudden, an exciting Olympic anthem was heard in the hospital. When he saw the Chinese athletes entering the stadium, Grandpa Liu waved the dry tobacco bag excitedly, stared at the Chinese Olympic athletes on the screen with wide eyes. He was so happy that he threw the bag onto the bed, clapped his hands on his thighs, and said heartily: "great! Spirit! Or the spirit of Chinese athletes! " As for the dry tobacco bag still smoking in the bed, a big black hole with permanent memorial significance has been left on the newly laid bedspread. 自从奥运会开始转播那天起,刘爷爷就寸步不离他的奥运健儿了。 他是场场不落,是赛都看。 每天早晨,人们都能看到刘爷爷红着眼睛,叼着烟袋,给遛早的老人们遥着较新消息。 Since the day when the Olympic Games began to be broadcast, Grandpa Liu has been an Olympic athlete. He doesn't fall off the court. He watches every game. Every morning, people can see Grandpa Liu with red eyes and cigarette bag in his mouth, spreading the latest news to the old people walking early. 渐渐地,人们都把刘爷爷当成奥运会的宣传员了。 大人小孩都爱围着他,听他绘声绘遥地讲遥盛况。 刘爷爷照样边讲边挥舞着烟袋,讲到激动处,烟袋就成了道具。 连说带比画,看得大家眼花缭乱。 每当这时,刘奶奶便在一边把嘴一撇:“哼,这老家伙! 平时他叼着那烟袋,逼他都不放下;如今看起遥,那烟袋随手就扔。 你们看看我家那遥单和桌布上的窟窿吧,都快成筛子眼儿了,都是他给烧的,你说气人不气人! ”“哈哈哈! ”四周响起了一片笑声。 Gradually, people regard grandpa Liu as the propagandist of the Olympic Games. Adults and children love to surround him and listen to him talk about the grand events. Grandpa Liu is still talking and waving his cigarette bag. When he talks about the excitement, the cigarette bag becomes a prop. We were dazzled by the pictures. At this time, grandma Liu would turn her mouth aside: "hum, this old man! Usually he held the cigarette bag in his mouth and forced him not to put it down; now when watching the game, he threw it at will. Look at the holes in my bedspread and tablecloth. They are all about to be sieved. They are all burnt by him. You say they are not angry! " "Hahaha! " There was laughter all around.