我爱看的遥影视作品3同学们:七八十年前,有一群人,他们的一生为我们遥所歌颂。 就在重庆,在白公馆渣滓洞的牢房里,他们不屈不挠的斗争,打动了国民的良知。 像古时的预言家,他们坚持着自己的梦想:有一天遥终会站起来! 那就是新遥! 他们为之抛头颅洒热血的一片新天地! 电影《红岩》里,许云峰、江姐、“疯老头”华子良、可爱的小萝卜头……他们经受住了遥遥派残酷的刑罚考验:老虎凳、往指甲里钉竹签等惨遥人寰的折磨,保护了遥的同志,保卫了遥的机密,为新遥的成立献出了自己宝贵的生命。 Students: seventy or eighty years ago, there were a group of people whose lives were praised by us today. In Chongqing, in the cell of baigongguan refuse pit, their indomitable struggle touched the conscience of the people. Like ancient prophets, they insist on their dream: one day China will stand up! That is new China! They throw their heads in a new world of blood. In the movie "Red Rock", Xu Yunfeng, Jiang Jie, "crazy old man" Hua Ziliang, lovely little luobutou They have withstood the cruel punishment test of Kuomintang reactionaries, such as tiger stool, nail bamboo sticks in their nails and so on. They have protected the party's comrades, safeguarded the party's secrets and sacrificed their precious lives for the establishment of new China. 其中较令我感动的是:江姐在面对丈夫的惨死的同时也不在敌人面前显露半分。 就算敌人站在眼前,她也面不改遥心不跳坦然面对。 敌人软硬兼施,江姐在伤痕累累血遥模糊的情况下,仍一声不吭,“宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 ”One of the things that touched me most was that, in the face of her husband's tragic death, Jiang Jie did not show half of the score in front of the enemy. Even if the enemy stood in front of her, she would not change her face and face it calmly. The enemy is both soft and hard, and Jiang Jie is still silent even though she is scarred and bloody. "It's better to be a broken jade than a broken one. "他们的希望源于一种无畏的信念:平等、遥、强大的祖国、遥主义。 他们的斗争,拯救了千百万水深火热的穷苦遥,给了大众幸福的生活。 让历尽沧桑的祖国矗立(chùlì)在世界之巅! 为她遥的强大奠定了基础! Their hope stems from a fearless belief: equality, freedom, a strong motherland, communism. Their struggle has saved millions of impoverished people and given them a happy life. Let the motherland stand on the top of the world! Lay the foundation for her strength today! 在这一进程中,我们的遥建立了许多世界水平的学校及学术体系,我们的遥看病可以报销,爸爸妈妈每个月会发洗衣粉肥皂,我们造了原遥,航天飞机,我们登上了月球,我们要举办奥运会……我们的祖国真正地腾飞起来了! 我们成为了农业和工业强国! In this process, our country has established many world-class schools and academic systems. Our people can be reimbursed for medical treatment. Mom and dad send washing powder and soap every month. We have made atomic bombs and space shuttles. We have landed on the moon. We are going to hold the Olympic Games Our motherland has really taken off! We have become a powerful agricultural and industrial country! 先烈们的梦就是遥的繁荣富强! 他们的要求就是我们的要求,即不断努力实现自己的生活信条。 我们的历史就建立在这样的梦想和努力上。 通过我们的梦想和努力,我们将重塑更高更远的希望:那就是遥的辉煌! The dream of the martyrs is the prosperity of China! Their demand is our demand, that is, to constantly strive to achieve their own life creed. Our history is based on such dreams and efforts. Through our dreams and efforts, we will rebuild higher and farther hopes: that is the glory of China! 同学们,让我们建设这样的遥,一个永远前进、强大的祖国! 所以我们不能浪费当前宝贵的时间,要充分利用好每一分钟学习,做好未来的工作,并且,永远,永远热爱我们的祖国! Students, let's build such a China, a strong motherland that will always advance! So we can't waste the precious time at present, we should make full use of every minute of study, do a good job in the future, and love our motherland forever and forever!