读《圆明园的毁灭》有感(6)圆明园的毁灭是祖国文化史上遥估量的损失,也是世界文化史上遥估量的损失,给旧遥蒙受了耻辱,因此建设强大的祖国是我们遥民族每一个成员的责任。 对此,我有许多话要说。 The destruction of Yuanmingyuan is an immeasurable loss in the history of Chinese culture and the history of world culture, which has brought shame to old China. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every member of our Chinese nation to build a strong motherland. I have a lot to say about it. 想必大家都知道这句话吧——遥兴亡,匹夫有责。 遥的荣耀和光辉不是几个人的事情,而是遥民族大家的事情,只有我们大家团结在一起创建美好的遥,遥才能更加繁荣与兴旺。 遥的灭亡和兴旺是遥民族所有人的事情。 I think we all know this sentence - the rise and fall of the country, everyone has a responsibility. China's glory and glory are not the affairs of several people, but the affairs of all Chinese people. Only when we all unite to create a better China can China become more prosperous and prosperous. The death and prosperity of China is the business of all the Chinese people. 旧遥的清遥遥遥才会导致我国这一园林艺术的瑰宝、建筑艺术的精华,让英法联遥这样任意的破坏和烧毁,让这座壮观雄伟的圆明园化成一片灰烬。 The corrupt and incompetent government of the Qing Dynasty in the old China led to the treasure of our garden art and the essence of architectural art. It destroyed and burned the magnificent Old Summer Palace into a piece of ashes. 我们这些学生更应该为遥美好的将来做些事情,我们遥一定要发奋读书、学习长大成为遥多得的人才。 We students should do something for the better future of China. We must study hard and grow up to be rare talents.