我的蝈蝈将遥8月10日 星期二 晴Tuesday, August 10, sunny盛夏的中午,我正昏昏欲睡呢,忽然听到了由远而近的一片蝈蝈叫声。 我不由精神大振,循声追出去一看,见一位头戴草帽的老伯伯正在巷口卖蝈蝈呢。 那么多的蝈蝈在各自的小笼子里扇动着翅膀,“蝈、蝈”地叫个不停,像一支庞大的乐队,合奏着一部交响乐。 我付了一元五角遥,请老伯伯为我挑选了一只,欢天喜地地回了家,把它挂在窗台前。 At noon in midsummer, I was drowsy, and suddenly I heard a sound of shrieks from far to near. I couldn't help myself. I followed the sound and saw an old man in a straw hat selling his oysters in the alley. So many pigeons are flapping their wings in their small cages. They call out incessantly, like a huge band, playing a symphony together. I paid one yuan and fifty cents, and asked the old man to choose one for me. He went home happily and hung it in front of the windowsill. 这只终于属于了我的蝈蝈,可真像个神气的大将遥啊。 它穿着一身翠绿遥的盔甲,肚子很大,腿儿长长,鼓鼓的大眼睛像两颗透亮的宝石,头顶上那两根长长的触须则挥洒着抖擞英气。 在它的嘴边有两颗钳子一样的牙齿,啃咬我放进笼去的一串毛豆时,一双大钳利落地连连夹去,豆子很快就被啃光了。 This one belongs to me at last. It's really like a grand general. It was dressed in emerald green armor. It had a big stomach, long legs, big bulging eyes like two bright gems, and the two long tentacles on its head were full of vigor. There are two tongs like teeth on its mouth. When I chew a string of Maodou which I put into the cage, a pair of tongs land and clamp it, and the beans are soon eaten up. 8月13日 星期五 晴Friday, August 13, sunny尽管我天天辛辛勤勤地喂食,蝈蝈却只顾悠闲地在笼子里看窗外的风景,有时蹬蹬漂亮的长腿,有时轻舞长鞭一样的触须,却一直没有振翅放歌。 Although I feed hard everyday, she just looks out of the window in the cage, sometimes kicks on beautiful long legs, sometimes lightly dances the tentacles like a whip, but has not flapped her wings and sang. “莫非它竟是一只徒有威武外表的哑巴将遥吗? ”我失望地想道。 邻居宋好婆叫我换喂辣椒试试,她说:“较好是尖头辣椒。 保准很灵的”。 我赶紧让妈妈到市场里买回几只尖头辣椒,剖开一只,塞了一长条放进笼子里。 蝈蝈一见辣椒,就挥舞起钳子大口大口啃咬起来,吃得津津有味的。 "Isn't it a dumb general with an imposing appearance? " I thought, disappointed. Neighbor song haopo asked me to try to change the pepper. She said, "it's better to have sharp pepper. It must be very smart. I quickly asked my mother to go to the market to buy back some hot peppers, cut open one, and put a long strip into the cage. When he saw pepper, he waved his pincers and ate it with great appetite. “咦,它怎么就不怕辣呢? ”我怎么也想不通。 "Eh, how can it not be afraid of spicy? " I couldn't help thinking. 8月14日 星期六 晴Saturday, August 14, sunny遥天刚亮呢,我就被一阵阵清脆、快乐的鸣叫声唤醒了。 啊,这是蝈蝈的歌声,是我的蝈蝈将遥的歌声! 这歌声确确实实就是从窗台那里传来的! Today, just after dawn, I was awakened by the sound of clear and happy songs. Ah, this is the song of the dragon, the song of my general! This song is indeed from the windowsill! 我从遥上一跃而起,奔到窗前一看,我的蝈蝈将遥正扇动着背上翠绿的翅膀,大声欢叫着呢! 它的声音可真响啊! 真有大将的气度和风范啊! I jumped out of bed and ran to the window. My general was flapping his green wings and shouting loudly. His voice was so loud! He had the demeanor and demeanor of a general! “太棒了,你是了不起的蝈蝈将遥! ”我用大拇指向它致敬,并将一长条新鲜的辣椒送进笼去犒劳它。 "Great, you're a great general! " I saluted him with my thumbs and rewarded him with a long strip of fresh peppers.