老鹰捉小鸡大家好! 你们玩过哪些游戏呢? 我相信你们玩的游戏一定很多,我爱玩的游戏是老鹰捉小鸡。 Hello everyone! What games have you played? I'm sure you play a lot of games. My favorite game is eagle catching chickens. 游戏规则大家一定很熟悉,就是先选出一个同学扮演凶猛的老鹰,再选一位同学扮演善良的鸡妈妈,较后选几只可爱的小鸡。 We must be very familiar with the rules of the game, that is, first choose a classmate to play the fierce eagle, then choose a classmate to play the kind mother chicken, and finally choose a few cute chickens. 游戏开始了,只见“老鹰”猛地向“小鸡”扑来,“小鸡”们吓得东躲遥,生怕被“老鹰”抓住了。 我当的“小鸡”,心里像小兔子一样“咚咚”直跳,我想:要是被“老鹰”抓住了,我不就成了它的“美味佳肴”了吗? 于是,我尖叫了起来。 “鸡妈妈”好象看懂了我的心思,他看了我一眼,好象在说:“别怕,老鹰只是在吓唬你的,你要坚强些。 “我又变得精神抖擞了。 The game began, only to see the "Eagle" rushed to the "chicken," chicken "are scared to hide, afraid of being" Eagle "caught. When I was a chicken, my heart was beating like a rabbit. I thought: if I was caught by an eagle, wouldn't I become its delicacy? So I screamed. "Chicken mother" seems to understand my mind, he looked at me, as if to say: "don't be afraid, the eagle is just scaring you, you need to be strong. "I'm getting fresh again. 凶猛的“老鹰”左冲右击,可是“鸡妈妈”却左遮右挡,总是把“小鸡”保护得好好的。 尽管“老鹰“费了九牛二虎之力,可还是一只“小鸡”都没有抓住。 气喘吁吁的“老鹰”满脸通红,气得直跺脚。 忽然,“老鹰”灵机一动,自言自语道:“为何不用《兵法三十六计》的一计呢? ”说干就干,只见他向东边假意跺了一下脚,“小鸡”们个个都胆战心惊,不知所措,“鸡妈妈”带着她的孩子急忙向西方“撤退”,没想到“老鹰”神不知鬼不觉地向西边跑去,然后把身子一弯,一溜烟从“鸡妈妈”的翅膀下钻了过去,把一只“小鸡”抓回自己的“家里”美餐去了。 这下,他可真像是一位得意洋洋的国遥了。 Fierce "Eagle" left rushed right, but "mother chicken" left covered right block, always "chicken" well protected. Despite the eagle's efforts, a chicken failed to catch it. The panting Eagle blushed and stamped. All of a sudden, the eagle had an idea and said to himself, "why don't you use one of the thirty six tactics of the art of war? " He said to do what he wanted, only to stamp his feet to the East. The chickens were all frightened and at a loss. The mother chicken and her children hurriedly retreated to the West. Unexpectedly, the eagle ran to the West unconsciously. Then he bent his body, slipped under the wings of the mother chicken, and grabbed a chicken back The "home" meal has gone. Now, he really seems to be a triumphant king. 呵呵,一想起“老鹰”“声东击西”,我就觉得很好玩。 同学们,你们爱玩的游戏是什么呢? Ha ha, I think it's fun when I think of "Eagle" and "beat the East with the west". Students, what's your favorite game?