我学会了番茄炒鸡蛋我一直都有一个愿望,就是学会炒菜。 正好,遥妈妈买回了番茄,我说:“妈妈,教我做番茄炒鸡蛋吧! ”“好啊! ” 按照妈妈说的方法,首先把番茄放在开水里烫了一会儿,再拿出来撕去皮后,放在菜板上便开始切。 谁知,番茄在菜板上滚来滚去的,好像故意在跟我作对似的。 我用左手轻轻摁住,心想:“这下你滚不了了吧! ”可我正要对它下手时,手又抖起来了,番茄好像在嘲笑我,我气遥了,心里又嘀咕起来:“有什么了不起,我就不信遥把你遥不了! ”我又紧紧地摁住它,这回终于不滚了,用刀慢慢地好不容易才把它切成了一小块一小块的。 Who knows, tomatoes roll around on the kitchen board, as if they are deliberately against me. I pressed it with my left hand and thought, "you can't roll now! " But when I was about to start it, my hand shook again, and the tomato seemed to laugh at me. I was so angry, and I murmured, "what's the big deal? I don't believe I can't subdue you today! " I held it tightly again. This time, I finally stopped rolling. I slowly cut it into small pieces with a knife. 其次,我又拿出两个鸡蛋,按照平时吃熟鸡蛋剥壳的方法那样,从前面破开。 妈妈说:“蛋要从中间破开一条长口,这样蛋遥和蛋清才容易流出来。 ”我又再遥将鸡蛋在灶台的边缘上磕了一下,两手掰开蛋壳,蛋清和蛋遥就流进了碗里。 我向碗里放了一点盐,然后就用筷子轻轻地搅,生怕把蛋液搅出碗外。 Secondly, I took out two more eggs, according to the usual way of eating cooked eggs and shelling, breaking them from the front. "The mother said:" the egg must break a long mouth from the middle, so that the yolk and the egg white can flow out easily Once again, I knocked the egg on the edge of the stove. I broke the shell with both hands, and the egg white and yolk flowed into the bowl. I put a little salt in the bowl, and then I stir it gently with chopsticks for fear of stirring the egg liquid out of the bowl. 这时,妈妈又告诉我说:“要把蛋清和蛋遥搅匀,炒出的鸡蛋才又软又好吃。 ”于是,我又使劲地搅了一会儿。 准备工作做好后,把锅放在炉子上,打开天然气开关。 火苗呼呼地舔着锅底,倒上一些油,看到锅里冒出的缕缕青烟,我有些胆怯了。 “别怕,胆子大一点,赶快把蛋倒进去。 ”妈妈鼓励我说。 我小心翼翼地把蛋倒在锅底,只听见吱的一声,吓得我丢下鸡蛋碗便开跑。 这时,妈妈叫我快拿铲子翻动一下,我又蹑手蹑脚地走过去,拿着铲子不停地翻动着鸡蛋,一股浓浓的香味扑鼻而来。 再把番茄块倒入锅中同鸡蛋一起翻炒约两分钟,再放一点盐就可以起锅了。 我迫不及待地拿出一双筷子,夹了一小块放在嘴里,呀! 味道还不错! I carefully poured the eggs on the bottom of the pot, only heard a squeak, which scared me to drop the egg bowl and run away. At this time, my mother told me to quickly take the shovel and turn it over. I crept over again and kept turning the eggs with the shovel. A strong smell came to my nose. Pour the tomato into the pot and stir fry with the egg for about two minutes, then add a little salt to start the pot. I can't wait to take out a pair of chopsticks and put a small piece in my mouth! It's not bad! 学了番茄炒鸡蛋后,我感受到:做任何事情,看似简单,要做好很难,今后我还要多实践。 After learning how to stir fry eggs with tomatoes, I feel that it seems simple to do anything, it is difficult to do it well, and I need to practice more in the future.