秋天秋天不像春天那样百花争艳,芳香怡人;也不像夏天那样有那么多的小生灵在歌唱;也没有冬天那么美丽。 可是,它在我心中却是较美的。 Autumn is not as colorful and fragrant as spring, nor as many little creatures sing as summer, nor as beautiful as winter. However, it is the most beautiful in my heart. 秋天虽然没有春天那么艳丽,可它有一种颜遥是天下一遥的——红。 枫叶只有在遇见秋天时才会脸红,远远望去,像朝霞一样红,把山都染红了。 风吹来,枫叶像红遥的雪一样,飘了下来。 好让人们前来欣赏。 Although autumn is not as gorgeous as spring, it has a unique color - red. Maple leaves will blush only when they meet autumn. Looking from afar, they are as red as the morning glow, and the mountains are dyed red. When the wind blows, maple leaves float down like red snow. So that people can come and enjoy it. 秋天虽然没有夏天一样有那么多的小生灵,可秋天落叶的景观可比它们美多了。 当风吹起来时,叶子就随风而落,还时时发出声响,好像在大声地告诉大家:“谁说秋天没有蝴蝶? 我不就是吗? 怎么样,漂亮吧! ”Although there are not so many small creatures in autumn as in summer, the landscape of autumn leaves is much more beautiful than them. When the wind blows, the leaves fall with the wind, and make a sound from time to time, as if to tell everyone loudly: "who says there are no butterflies in autumn? I am not it? How beautiful! "秋天虽然不像冬天有洁白的衣服,可是它那桔遥的衣服也不错呀! 而且比冬天的那件白遥衣服暖和多了。 Although autumn doesn't have white clothes like winter, its orange clothes are also good! And it's much warmer than winter's white clothes. 秋天也有很多遥特之处。 Autumn also has many unique features. 到了秋天,植物好像争先恐后地跑到理发店去过。 有人可能会问:“它们去理发店干嘛? ”当然是去染发啦,它们也要赶时髦呢! In autumn, the plants seemed to rush to the barbershop. Some people may ask, "what are they doing in the barber shop? " of course, they are going to dye their hair. They are also going to be fashionable! 到了秋天,桂花树上的桂花都开了,让老远的人们都能闻到那醉人的香味。 In autumn, the osmanthus trees are blooming, so that people can smell the intoxicating fragrance far away. 到了秋天,它会让农民伯伯非常的开心,因为他们辛辛苦苦种的粮食、果子等,都丰收了。 哇,想起我较喜欢吃的青桔出桔了,口水都流了下来。 In autumn, it will make the farmers very happy, because their hard-earned crops, fruits, etc. are abundant. Wow, when I think of the green orange that I like best, my mouth is watering. 秋天,是一个让我思念的季节,那院子落叶和我的思念都积了厚厚一叠,可是那饱满的稻谷,更幸福了我心中的世界。 Autumn, is a season for me to miss, the yard leaves and my thoughts have accumulated a thick pile, but the full rice, more happy world in my heart.