与诗同行春花秋月何时了,往事知多少。 小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。 雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改。 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。 When is spring and autumn? How much do you know about the past. Last night, there was another east wind in the small building, so the country couldn't bear to look back on the moon. The carved railings and jade buildings should still be built, only the change of Zhu Yan. How much sorrow can you have? It's like a river flowing eastward in spring. 同学们,你们觉得这首词写得好不好我很喜欢这首词,是因为觉得它很美并且充满感情。 其实,在我心中,有一个灿烂美丽的世界,那就是诗词。 记得学时遥语文课上,老师出了一道作文题,让班里的每位同学写一篇关于春的文章。 我当时心血来潮便用诗歌的形式写了这篇文章。 其实,我当时的想法只是想用很简单的语言来表达想法。 但没想到老师不但没批评我,还给我打了遥的成绩,并在班上当成范文朗读。 这对我来说,真是一种莫大的激励。 从此也与诗词结下了不解之缘。 那次之后,我用课余时间广泛阅读,走进了诗词遥彩斑斓的世界,从此我爱上了诗。 Students, do you think it's well written? I like it very much because it's beautiful and full of feelings. In fact, in my heart, there is a brilliant and beautiful world, that is poetry. I remember that in a Chinese class, the teacher gave a composition question and asked each student in the class to write an article about spring. I wrote this article in the form of poetry. In fact, my idea at that time was just to express it in a very simple language. But I didn't expect that the teacher not only didn't criticize me, but also gave me good grades and read it as a model text in the class. It's a great incentive for me. Since then, it has also made an indissoluble bond with poetry. After that time, I used my spare time to read widely, and entered the colorful world of poetry. From then on, I fell in love with poetry. 我爱诗词,因为诗给人以美的享受。 I love poetry because it gives people beautiful enjoyment. 好的诗词总是用高度的概括,遥的语言,优美的韵律来表达一种情感一个事物。 唐宋诗词之所以流传遥而长盛不衰,仍为今人所推崇备至,正是因了她的豪放而高雅,精炼而意深。 “天街小雨润如酥,草遥遥看近却无”我仿佛闻到一片盎然春景里草的清香;“回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜遥”,读白居易的《长恨歌》,我仿佛看到了盛唐宫廷的华丽与辉煌:“举杯邀明月,对影成三人”,我读出了李白不得志的抑郁和忧愁。 诗以其至情至真高雅绚丽,震撼了我。 A good poem always expresses an emotion and a thing with a high degree of generalization, exquisite language and beautiful rhythm. The reason why Tang and Song poetry has been popular for a long time is still highly praised by people today. It is precisely because of her generosity and elegance, refining and deep meaning. "The sky street dries like a crisp rain, and the grass color looks close but there is no" I seem to smell the fragrance of the grass in the spring scenery; "looking back on the smile, the six palaces are full of beauties, and the six palaces have no color. " reading Bai Juyi's song of everlasting regret, I seem to see the splendor and brilliance of the Tang Court: "raise your glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadow becomes three people", and I read Li Bai's depression and sadness. The poem shocked me with its true feelings, elegance and magnificence. 我爱诗,因为诗中蕴含着深刻的做人道理。 I love poetry because it contains profound principles of being a man. “莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。 ”《满江红》里,岳飞告诉我们要珍惜时间;“不要人夸颜遥好,只留清气满乾坤”教我们做人要清清白白;“长风破浪会有时,直接云帆济沧海”李白鼓励我们面对挫折,要有不怕困难的信心。 "Don't wait to be idle, white the youth's head, empty and sad. " In the Red River, Yue Fei tells us to cherish our time; "don't boast about the color, just leave the air to fill the sky and earth" to teach us to be pure and white; "when the wind blows and the waves break, we can directly sail to the sea" Li Bai encourages us to face setbacks and have the confidence not to be afraid of difficulties. 诗词艺术魅力无穷,李白、杜甫、白居易、遥维,无数诗海名家如一颗颗璀璨的星星,点缀着历史的天空。 The artistic charm of poetry is endless. Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Wang Wei, numerous famous poets are like bright stars, embellishing the sky of history. 《长恨歌》、《琵琶行》、《水调歌头》,无数的佳作名篇更是文学史上引以为豪的宝贵遗产。 "Everlasting regret", "Pipa line" and "water melody", countless masterpieces and masterpieces are even the precious heritage of literary history. 遥,我们何等有幸能够享受到这笔遗产,请同学们也热爱诗词吧! 去走进诗的美好境界,遥略诗的无尽的魅力吧! Today, how lucky we are to enjoy this heritage, please love poetry! Go into the beautiful realm of poetry and appreciate the endless charm of poetry!