四季姑娘传说玉帝有四个女儿,称为春夏秋冬四季姑娘,掌管着凡间四季的交替。 It is said that the jade emperor has four daughters, called the four seasons girls in spring, summer, autumn and winter, who are in charge of the alternation of the four seasons in the world. 有一天,四季姑娘要比一比看谁较美丽。 One day, four seasons girl to compare to see who is the most beautiful. 春姑娘说:“我较漂亮,当我到人间时,大地就一片新绿:小草发芽了;柳树苏醒了;花儿盛开了……温暖的人间真是迷人! Spring girl said: "I am the most beautiful. When I come to the world, the earth will be green: Grass sprouts; willows wake up; flowers bloom What a charming world! 夏姑娘说:“我的优点较多,夏天虽然炎热,但是姑娘们可以穿上绚丽的裙子;农作物才可以旺长;小孩们才可以吃到各式各样的雪糕……炎热的夏季使人间热闹到了遥致! ”Xia said: "I have the most advantages. Although it's hot in summer, girls can wear gorgeous skirts; crops can flourish; children can eat all kinds of ice cream The hot summer makes the world full of excitement! "秋姑娘说:“我较有成就感,秋天到来时,诱人果子成熟了;农民又收获了希望;秋高气爽……凉爽的金秋送给人们的是沉甸甸的收获! ”Autumn girl said: "I have the most sense of achievement. When autumn comes, attractive fruits ripen; farmers harvest hope again; autumn is clear and fresh The cool autumn brings us heavy harvest! "冬姑娘说:“我较有特点,严寒的冬天来临时,大地银装素裹;万物恢复平静都去休息了:小熊、青蛙等去冬眠了,树木、小草褪尽了绿意在沉睡;人们可以围着火炉畅谈……严寒的冬天呼号着万物该歇一歇了! ”Winter girl said: "I have the most characteristics. When the cold winter comes, the earth is covered in silver; everything is calm and resting: bears, frogs, etc. go to hibernation, trees and grass are fading green and sleeping; people can talk around the fire The cold winter calls for a rest! "她们无休止地在争论着……They are arguing endlessly不久,这事传到了玉帝耳中。 玉帝召集四季姑娘来,告诉他们说:“你们各有优点,人间四季轮换这是规律,至于你们谁较漂亮,还是让人间去评说吧! ”Before long, it spread to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor summoned the four seasons girls and told them, "each of you has its own advantages. It's a rule that the four seasons rotate in the world. As for who is the most beautiful, let the world judge you! "