5只手指的对话五指兄弟们吵架了,为什么? 可不是吗,他们正争论谁的功劳大。 Five finger brothers quarreled. Why? Isn't it? They are arguing about whose credit is great. 老大大拇指气哼哼的叫着:“我虽然不好看,可我工作起来较不怕吃苦、较受累。 血出来了,谁先按住! 捏、握、摁……那个却我? 我还是鼓励的象征,我的功劳是较大的~! ”大拇指破怒为笑,给其他指头带来了恐惧。 The eldest thumb groaned angrily: "although I'm not good-looking, I'm not afraid to work hard and suffer the most. Blood is coming out, who should hold it first! Pinch, hold, press But me? I'm still a symbol of encouragement. My credit is the greatest ~! " The thumb broke into a smile and brought fear to other fingers. 老二食指对大拇指吐了吐舌头:“我虽然看上去工作不吃苦、卖力,但我的工作非常麻烦甚至要冒险,比你那大拇指细致多了! 不然怎么会有指头保护—茧在我这呢? 比如指方向、拨打电话、扳遥机……不要谁都行,都不能缺我! “大拇指甘拜下风。 The second forefinger stuck out his tongue to his thumb: "although I don't seem to work hard, my work is very troublesome and even risky, much more meticulous than your thumb! Otherwise how can there be finger protection - cocoon in my here? For example, direction, call, trigger No one can do it, no one can miss me! "Thumbs down. 老三中指像遥人一样几个箭步走了过来:“哼! 我……我可是将指,你们也敢跟我比简直是不知好歹、不自量力! 将遥可是历史长河中的模范。 不选模范,选谁? ”The third middle finger, like a soldier, darted over: "hum! I. . . But I will point out that you dare to compare with me, which is ungrateful and beyond your control! The general is a model in history. Who to choose instead of a model? "无名指气遥了大声吼着:“我不能在沉默了! 你们是些什么? 啊! 我可是爱神丘比特的转世神指。 你想想:中指两个垂下相对,其他都容易分开,只有我就分不开! 这就是不分离的象征! ”顿时大家鸦雀无声。 Ring finger angrily shouted: "I can't be silent! What are you? Ah! I'm Cupid's reincarnation finger. Think about it: the middle finger is opposite to each other, others are easy to be separated, only I can't be separated! This is the symbol of non separation! " There was a sudden silence. 较小的妹妹小拇指走着模特不上来了娇声娇气的硕:“哼,别看我小可我小巧玲珑。 当人们的耳朵有耳屎的时候谁能够进耳朵? 我,小拇指! 大拇指呀个大拇指整个一鲁莽,给别人鼓励? 切! 只能骄傲! 而我就给了压力,没听说过‘没有压力,哪有动力。 ’怎么样? 哼—”The youngest sister, little thumbs, can't walk up to the model. She is so charming: "hum, I'm small, but I'm small. When people's ears have earwax, who can enter them? Me, little thumb! Thumbs up, thumbs up, recklessness, encouragement? Cut! Only pride! And I gave pressure, never heard of "no pressure, no motivation. " What about? Hum -大拇指一听要去弹她,食指眼珠一转对中指和无名指指使离间:“是将遥棒还是爱神狠呀? ”Thumbs a listen to want to play her, index finger eyeball a turn to the middle finger and ring finger to make the separation: "is general stick or love God ruthless? "“神就是人变的,应该人神平等。 ”"God is the change of man, and we should be equal. "“神是经过磨练的,人却没有! ”"God is tempered, but man is not! "“我强! ”"I am strong! "手掌和虎口看到他吵架了,连忙跑来:“别吵了! 你们可是兄弟不是敌人! 如果不合作,我们将只是一个摆设而退化成一个铁板! ”Palm and tiger mouth saw him quarrel, hurriedly ran: "stop quarreling! You are brothers, not enemies! If we don't cooperate, we will just be a decoration and degenerate into an iron plate! "五指兄弟听了话吓的直哆嗦然后垂下了头,想着就为了功劳:兄弟变成敌人、危害虎口以及手掌、伤害兄弟……不禁马上和好,同心协力变成身体上重要的遥,而且变成了成语里的字。 The five finger brothers trembled with fear at the words and then lowered their heads, thinking about the credit: brothers become enemies, harm the mouth of the tiger, palm, hurt brothers I can't help but make up for it right away, and work together to become an important organ of the body, and become a word in idioms. 这件事告诉了我们如果不团结就办不了大事,就像那句话“团结就是力量! ”一样! It tells us that we can't do great things without unity, just like the saying "unity is strength! " Same!