再见了,母校遥,我就要毕业了,想想自己就要离开母校了,离开自己的师长,离开自己的学友,心中不遥有些不舍。 Today, I'm going to graduate. I think I'm going to leave my alma mater, my teachers and my schoolmates. I feel reluctant to part with them. 毕竟在这里生活了六年了,六年的时光如潮水般散去,我站在校园的一角,较后遥欣赏我的母校,心里略感一丝忧伤,望着母校的一砖一瓦、一草一木,心中蓦地升起一种亲切感。 回过头来,想想过去,啊! 仿佛就是那弹指之间,以前的事如过电影般在我的脑海中闪过,我不敢奢求什么,只是希望我的母校能够教育出更多的人才。 After all, I have lived here for six years. Six years have gone like a tide. Standing in a corner of the campus, I appreciate my alma mater for the last time. I feel a little sad. Looking at the bricks and tiles, plants and trees of my alma mater, I suddenly feel a kind of cordiality. Look back, think about the past, ah! It seems that the past flashed in my mind like a movie. I dare not ask for anything, just hope my alma mater can educate more talents. 想一想,六年来,多少感人的故事,老师的谆谆教导,同学的热心帮助,都让我对母校十分眷恋,母校中的一切都让我充满了依恋,我不愿离开这里,因为这里有着我太多的美好回忆。 想到这里我不禁落泪了,眼泪像断了线的珠子从我脸颊流了下来,我透过那晶莹的泪珠环视周围,心里充满了依依不舍。 Think about it. In the past six years, how many touching stories, teachers' earnest instructions and classmates' enthusiastic help have made me very attached to my alma mater. Everything in my alma mater has made me full of attachment. I don't want to leave here, because there are too many beautiful memories for me. I can't help but cry when I think of it. Tears flow down my cheeks like broken beads. I look around through the crystal tears and feel reluctant. 我就要离开母校了,就要离开这个充满了我美好回忆的学校了,有什么可以留下呢? 我在校园的操场上捡起了一片落叶,夹在我的毕业证中,我就这样走了,我就这样一步三回头地走了。 I am going to leave my alma mater. I am going to leave this school full of my beautiful memories. What can I leave? I picked up a piece of fallen leaves on the playground of the campus, which was sandwiched in my diploma, so I went, and I went back three times in one step. 母校,再见了! Goodbye, alma mater! 再见了,母校! Goodbye, alma mater!