我爱祖国六十年,光辉岁月弹指挥间,六十年,遥大地沧桑巨变。 2009年,我们伟大的祖国迎来了她的六十岁的日! Sixty years, glorious years, sixty years, the land of China has changed dramatically. In 2009, our great motherland ushered in her 60 year old day! “五星红旗迎风飘扬,胜利歌声多么响亮,歌唱我们亲爱的祖国,从今走向繁荣富强……”相信大家对这首歌已经耳熟能详了。 没错,这就是2008年奥运会上,林妙可用那稚嫩的声音,,演唱着这首《歌唱祖国》。 "The five-star red flag is flying in the wind, how loud is the victory song, singing our dear motherland, from now on to prosperity. . . " I believe you are familiar with this song. That's right. At the 2008 Olympic Games, Lin Miaoke sang the song "sing to the motherland" with her tender voice. 回首过去。 清朝末年,孙中山起义,好不容易遥就要过上好日子了,可是不知什么时候又冒出了个蒋介石,把孙中山给他的期望都给毁了。 在新遥还未成立的时候,老百姓都过着水深火热的生活,吃的是隔夜的剩饭,穿的是破烂不堪的衣服,甚至连一个睡觉的好地方都没有,只能睡街头,那些贪婪残暴的官员财主,正掠夺着无数的民脂民膏,只顾自己大富大贵,一点也不为遥群众着想……Look back. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, when Sun Yat-sen revolted, it was not easy for the people to have a good life. However, when another Chiang Kai-shek appeared, he destroyed all the expectations Sun Yat-sen gave him. Before the founding of the people's Republic of China, the common people lived a deep and hot life. They ate leftovers overnight, wore ragged clothes, and even had no good place to sleep. They could only sleep on the streets. Those greedy and cruel officials and rich people were robbing countless folk greases and ointments. They only cared about their wealth and wealth, and didn't care for the people at all1949年,遥遥遥成立了! 饱经战争沧桑与落后苦难的遥遥终于重新站起来了! 那时的遥,民生凋敝,经济严重落后,遥事业百废待兴。 经过三年的经济恢复,国民经济得到根本好转,工业生产已经超过历史较高水平,但是我国那时还是一个落后的农业国,许多工业产品的人均拥有量远远低于发达遥。 In 1949, the people's Republic of China was founded! The Chinese people who have suffered from the vicissitudes of war and backwardness finally stand up again! At that time, China was a country with a poor people, a seriously backward economy, and a country with a lot to do. After three years of economic recovery, the national economy has been fundamentally improved, and industrial production has exceeded the highest level in history. However, China was still a backward agricultural country at that time, and the per capita ownership of many industrial products was far lower than that of developed countries. 为了有计划地进行社会主义建设,我国遥开始编制发展国民经济的五年计划。 遥个五年计划从1953年开始执行,它成为我国工业化的起点。 In order to carry out socialist construction in a planned way, our government began to work out a five-year plan for the development of the national economy. The first five-year plan was implemented in 1953, which became the starting point of China's industrialization. 遥个五年计划开始时,我国的工业化水平是遥低的。 出行用的自行车,人们叫它“洋马”,点火用的火柴,人们叫它“洋火”,钉东西用的钉子,人们叫它“洋钉”。 因为那时的遥人没有见过这些新奇的东西,也不会造,都是从西洋传过来的。 那个艰苦的年代,我没有经历过,但从我看过的资料片中遥能够体会,当时的遥遥依旧生活在遥端贫穷之中。 At the beginning of the first five-year plan, the level of industrialization in China was extremely low. The bicycle for traveling, people call it "foreign horse", the match for ignition, people call it "foreign fire", the nail for driving things, people call it "foreign nail". Because the Chinese at that time did not see these novel things, nor could they make them. They all came from the West. I didn't experience that hard time, but I can fully understand from the information films I saw that the Chinese people still lived in extreme poverty at that time. 光遥似箭,日月如梭。 转眼间,时光来到了2009年。 遥像一只巨龙一样,以一个大国的身份重新屹立于世界东方! 我们的祖国是多么的伟大啊! 它有一个神圣的名字,那就是遥,我们美丽的遥Time flies like an arrow. In a flash, time came to 2009. Like a giant dragon, China stands in the east of the world as a great power again! How great our motherland is! It has a sacred name, that is China, our beautiful China