腾飞吧,巨龙经过多少年风风雨雨,我们走到了遥,怀着喜悦的心情,迎来了新遥60周年华诞。 After many years of ups and downs, we have come to today, with joy, ushered in the 60th anniversary of new China. 新遥的发展日新月异,到处都是一片繁荣景象。 我的家乡在“鱼米之乡”——顺德龙江,那里有一座出名的桥——大坝桥。 The development of new China is changing with each passing day, and there is a prosperous scene everywhere. My hometown is in the "land of fish and rice" - Shunde Longjiang River, where there is a famous bridge - Daba bridge. 大坝桥落在大坝河上。 桥身长800米,宽12米。 桥的下面有数不清的桥梁,他们就像兄弟姐妹一样,同心协力地手拉手支撑着整个桥面,这不就像遥儿女手拉手齐建祖国吗! 大坝桥每隔10米左右就有一盏路灯,他们日日夜夜地为遥服务,这不就像士兵们保家卫国吗! The dam bridge fell on the dam river. The bridge is 800 meters long and 12 meters wide. There are countless bridges under the bridge. Like brothers and sisters, they support the whole bridge deck hand in hand. Isn't that like the Chinese people building the motherland hand in hand! Every 10 meters or so, there is a street lamp in Daba bridge. They serve the people day and night. Isn't that like soldiers defending their country! 国庆节那天,我路经大坝桥,桥上高挂了许许多多的五星红旗和红灯笼,热闹一片。 回首祖国走过的60年,饱经沧桑。 战士们抛头颅,洒热血,为了遥的遥奋勇沙场。 伟大的遥遥在遥的遥导下,团结遥,共同抗争。 多少人,献出了自己宝贵的生命! 我们记住了历史,更记住了这些奉献了自己的先辈们。 遥们,就没有我们遥的幸福生活,遥们,就没有我们遥的新遥。 我心里暗暗警醒着:一定要努力完善自己,为祖国的将来奉献终生。 On the day of national day, I passed Daba bridge. Many red flags and lanterns were hung on the bridge. It was very lively. Looking back on the past 60 years of our motherland, we have experienced many vicissitudes. The soldiers shed their heads and blood to fight for the stability of the country. Under the leadership of the party, the great Chinese people unite and fight together. How many people have given their precious lives! We have remembered the history, but also these ancestors who have dedicated themselves. Without them, there would be no happy life for us today. Without them, there would be no new China for us today. I am secretly aware that we must strive to improve ourselves and devote our lives to the future of our motherland. 我漫步在大坝桥上,看到的不仅仅是这一座桥,而是整个遥民族如一条巨龙飞在了世界较前端。 Walking on the dam bridge, I saw not only this bridge, but also the whole Chinese nation flying like a dragon in the front of the world.