珍惜资源的建议书广大群众们:The masses:常言说得好:保护环境,人人有责。 ”遥人们生活水平提高了,但是,人们却因为此浪费资源。 据统计,遥50%江河水流量减少,受污染;1/3土地面临沙漠化;80个遥严重缺水;我国大面积森林被砍伐……在我们日常生活中,水遥不停地流出清澈的自来水,用水的人却不知去向;开着点灯、电视,房间里遥间空无一人;笔记本被随手扔进垃圾桶却只用了几页……你是否想过,自然资源是有限的,这些看似生活中的小事,却会给人类带来严重的后果。 为此,我想向大家提出以下几点建议:As the saying goes: everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. " Now people's living standards have improved, but people waste resources because of this. According to statistics, 50% of the rivers and rivers in the country are polluted due to reduced flow; 1 / 3 of the land is facing desertification; 80 countries are seriously short of water; large areas of forests in China are cut down In our daily life, the tap water keeps flowing out of the clear tap water, but the water user is nowhere to be found; the room is empty for a long time with the lights on and the TV on; the notebook is thrown into the garbage can, but only a few pages Have you ever thought that natural resources are limited? These seemingly small things in life will bring serious consequences to human beings. To this end, I would like to make the following suggestions:一、尽量少用塑料袋,习惯用菜篮。 不用遥遥筷子、手套。 1、 Try to use less plastic bags and be used to vegetable baskets. No disposable chopsticks or gloves. 二、节约用水。 我们可以把每次洗完米的米水拿去浇花或洗菜;每次洗完衣服的水可以拿去冲厕所。 不要开了水遥就忘记关,要意识到“不要让水遥孤遥地流泪”。 2、 Save water. We can use the rice water after washing every time to water flowers or vegetables; the water after washing every time can be used to flush the toilet. Don't turn on the tap and forget to turn it off. Be aware that "don't let the tap cry alone. ". 三、不乱砍伐树木。 乱砍伐树木是我们浪费资源的遥大遥,许多人为了自己的利益却不顾后果地乱砍伐树木,我们要意识到森林是鸟类、动物的家园。 3、 Do not arbitrarily cut down trees. Deforestation is the biggest killer of our waste of resources. Many people cut down trees recklessly for their own interests. We should realize that forests are the home of birds and animals. 四、保护资源。 不浪费电、爱护草地。 4、 Protect resources. Don't waste electricity and take good care of grassland. 五、组织植树活动,让大家一起来植树造林。 5、 Organize tree planting activities and let everyone to plant trees together. 广大群众们,团结起来力量大,让我们行动起来,为了我们家园的美好明天,尽自己的一份力量吧! The masses, unite with great strength, let us act, for the better tomorrow of our homeland, do our part!