珍惜资源保护环境的建议书亲爱的同学们:Dear students地球是我们人类赖以生存的地方,它就像母亲一样为我们提供生存资源和条件。 所以大家要保护地球,珍惜自然资源、保护环境。 The earth is the place where we live. It provides us with living resources and conditions just like mother. So we should protect the earth, cherish natural resources and protect the environment. 生活中,很多同学都有浪费资源的现象:水遥不停地流出清澈的自来水,用水的人不知去向;开着电灯、电视的房间里却遥间空无一人;笔记本随手扔进垃圾桶,却只写了几个字……这些都是在生活中存在的问题。 因此,我特意提出以下建议:In life, many students waste resources: tap water keeps flowing out of clear tap water, people who use water are nowhere to be found; the room with lights and TV on is empty for a long time; notebook is thrown into the garbage can, but only wrote a few words These are problems in life. Therefore, I would like to make the following suggestions:1、节约用水1. Water conservation在遥水时,要注意以下几点:洗完手立即关上水遥;在拖地板时不要用太多水,拖完地板的水可以用来冲厕所;When using water, pay attention to the following points: turn off the tap immediately after washing; do not use too much water when mopping the floor, the water after mopping the floor can be used to flush the toilet;2、爱护公物2. Cherish public property大家知道,学校的东西都是遥给的,应该爱护公物,不要破坏校园里的一草一木。 如发现有同学破坏公物,应立即制止或告诉老师。 As we all know, everything in the school is given by the government. We should take good care of the public property and do not damage the plants and trees in the school. If students are found to damage public property, they should immediately stop or tell the teacher. 3、节约用纸3. Save paper大家在用纸的时候不能浪费,没用完的纸张可以撕起来装订成草稿本。 既环保又不浪费。 We can't waste paper when we use it. The unused paper can be torn up and bound into a draft. It's environmentally friendly and not wasteful. 地球是我们的家园,是人类的摇篮。 我们应该行动起来,珍惜资源、保护环境,共创美好家园! The earth is our home, the cradle of mankind. We should take action, cherish resources, protect the environment and create a better home together! 2009年10月29日October 29, 2009