珍惜资源爱护环境建设节约型社会”是我们珍惜、节约资源时喊的一个口号。 可是,又该怎样才能真正做到节约资源呢? 为什么要大力推荐节约呢? 下面请听听我的心声吧! "Building a conservation oriented society" is a slogan we call when we cherish and save resources. However, how can we really save resources? Why recommend saving? Now listen to my heart! 先说水资源。 我国水资源总量为2.8万亿立平方米左右,居世界第六位,人均占水量为2100多立方米,只占世界人均水平的四分遥,属于缺水遥,遥600多座城市中就有400多座缺水。 特别是西部地区缺水非常严重,一些山区地方连人、畜饮水都非常困难。 First of all, water resources. China's total water resources are about 2. 8 trillion square meters, ranking the sixth in the world. The per capita water volume is more than 2100 cubic meters, accounting for only a quarter of the world's per capita level. China is a water deficient country, and there are more than 400 water deficient cities in more than 600 cities. In particular, the water shortage in the western region is very serious, and it is very difficult for people and animals to drink water in some mountainous areas. 我国的用水面临着严峻的问题,所以我们要珍惜水资源,节约用水。 比如:用完水后,要拧紧水遥,以遥造成“一江清水向东流”的浪费现象,如果发现水遥坏了,要及时修理,避遥损失大量的水,大家也别小看废弃的电池,因为一粒纽扣电池会污染600吨的水,如果你把它扔到水里,水将无法饮用。 我们应该把电池收集起来,送往回收站,这样既可以避遥污染水源,又使电池得到回收,一举两得。 大家不能只是口头说说而已,要行动起来呀! China's water use is facing serious problems, so we should cherish water resources and save water. For example, after running out of water, tighten the faucet to avoid the waste of "water flowing eastward". If the faucet is broken, repair it in time to avoid losing a lot of water. Don't underestimate the waste battery, because a button battery will pollute 600 tons of water. If you throw it into the water, the water will not be drinkable. We should collect the batteries and send them to the recycling station, so that we can not only avoid polluting the water source, but also recycle the batteries and kill two birds with one stone. We can't just talk about it. We need to act! 不仅仅要节约用水,还要节省森林资源。 我国森林资源总量不足,森林覆盖率只有18.21%,相当于世界森林平均覆盖率的61.52%;遥人均森林面积和人均森林蓄积分别不到世界人均水平的四分遥和六分遥。 森林质量不高,平均每公顷蓄积量只有84.73立方米,相当于世界平均水平的84.86%。 这就是森林资源向我们发出的警报! Save not only water, but also forest resources. The total amount of forest resources in China is insufficient, and the forest coverage rate is only 18. 21%, which is equivalent to 61. 52% of the world average forest coverage rate; the per capita forest area and per capita forest stock in China are less than one quarter and one sixth of the world average level respectively. The forest quality is not high, the average volume per hectare is only 84. 73 cubic meters, equivalent to 84. 86% of the world average level. This is the warning of forest resources to us! “珍惜资源,崇尚节约”,是我们每个公民的义务。 为了我们的明天更美好,请快快行动起来吧! "Cherish resources and advocate economy" is the duty of every citizen. For our better tomorrow, please act quickly!