友谊之船我和陈明是好朋友。 一天,我们把在手工小组做的小木船拿出来玩,陈明一不小心把我的摔坏了。 争执中,陈明又把他踩坏了,我非常生气,一把夺过他的小木船,我生气遥了,把他的小木船也摔坏了。 Chen Ming and I are good friends. One day, we took out the small wooden boat which was made in the manual group to play. Chen Ming accidentally broke my boat. In the dispute, Chen Ming trampled on him again. I was very angry. I took his wooden boat. I was very angry and broke his wooden boat. “哼,我才不理你呢! ”"Well, I don't care about you! "陈明一边哭,一边跑走了。 我也气呼呼地跑回家。 Chen Ming cried and ran away. I ran home in a huff. “这是我的错么? ”我想,“或许我不应该这样对他”。 "Is it my fault? " I thought, "maybe I shouldn't do this to him. ". 我的气慢慢地消了,想到陈明一边哭,一边跑的样子,我悔恨。 遥了。 My anger slowly subsided, thinking of the way Chen Ming cried and ran, I regretted. Great. 我拿着陈明的小木船,帮他把摔坏的地方修理好。 虽然是他弄坏我的小木船在先,可是有什么比友谊更重要的呢? 陈明的小木船许多地方都被我遥加了工,看起来简直天衣无缝。 I took Chen Ming's wooden boat and helped him repair the broken place. Although he broke my little wooden boat first, what is more important than friendship? Chen Ming's wooden boat was carefully built by me in many places. It looks almost seamless. 我那着小木船去手工小组那儿。 谁知,陈明也在那里,更让我吃惊的是——陈明手里的那只小木船! I took the wooden boat to the handicraft group. Who knows, Chen Ming is also there, what surprises me even more is the small wooden boat in Chen Ming's hand! 陈明的眼光和我相遇,我顿时不知所措。 他走到我面前,说:“看,这是你的小木船,我……我帮你修好了一些地方,对不起……”When Chen Ming's eyes met me, I was at a loss. He came to me and said, "look, this is your little wooden boat. I I have repaired some places for you. I'm sorry. . . "“不! 没有,”我打断他的话,“是我说对不起才对。 我不应该摔坏你的小木船,我们还是好朋友,对吗? ”我边说,边拿出他那小木船。 "No! No, "I interrupted," I'm sorry. I shouldn't have broken your little wooden boat. We are still good friends, aren't we? " I said, taking out his little wooden boat. 陈明脸上积满了泪水:“我们,和这两艘船一样,是吗? 我们永远都是好朋友”。 Chen Ming's face was filled with tears: "we are the same as these two ships, aren't we? We are always good friends. 这两只小木船,是我们友谊的见证,它们不但为我和陈明架起了友谊之桥,还乘载着我们这真诚的友谊之心! These two wooden boats are the witness of our friendship. They not only built a friendship bridge for Chen Ming and me, but also carried our sincere friendship heart!