艺术与人生我从不把什么东西珍藏在身边,因为,我总觉得,东西放在身边会遗失的,只有珍藏在心里的,永远都不会忘却……I never treasure anything around me, because I always feel that things will be lost when I put them around, only those in my heart will never forget那是一年暑假,我由于钢琴考遥,便只能按捺住考上初中的喜悦,闷在家里练琴。 天那样闷热,我嘴里含着冰。 发狠地练着。 从早晨到中午,再到傍晚,我终于可以甩一下酸疼的膀子,情不自禁地,我走到阳台上……It was a summer vacation. Because of the piano examination, I could only restrain the joy of entering junior high school and practice at home. It's so hot, I have ice in my mouth. Practice hard. From morning to noon, and then to evening, I can finally shake my aching arm. I can't help but walk to the balcony忽然,我听到一个声音,和着夏日傍晚那遥的微风,忽而朦胧忽而清晰,飘入我的耳朵,拂过我的脸颊,掠过我的刘海儿。 树叶沙沙作响,晚霞含蓄柔美。 在这一刻,世界变得静得出奇,仿佛只有这声音存在。 哦,是笛声,是有人在吹笛子,这笛声婉转悠扬,舒心流畅,只有心静的人才能吹得如此之好。 Suddenly, I heard a voice, and the unique summer evening breeze, suddenly hazy and clear, floating into my ears, brushing my cheek, brushing my Liu Haier. The leaves rustle and the sunset glow is subtle and soft. At this moment, the world becomes strangely quiet, as if only this voice exists. Oh, it's the sound of a flute. Someone is playing the flute. It's melodious and comfortable. Only a quiet person can play it so well. 我陶醉了,沉静了……许久,才从思索与想像中醒来。 I am intoxicated and calm For a long time, I woke up from thinking and imagination. 后来的几天,我注意到每天傍晚,这笛声都会响起,只是,后来听到的笛声总没有第遥那么好了。 每天,只要我一放下琴,笛声便准时地响起,我就跑到阳台上望着楼下的建筑工地仔细地听。 我想像着,吹笛子的是个孤遥的老人,在诉说着心事;也许是个孩子,我的眼前浮现出一个孩子骑在老水牛背上吹笛子的情景……In the next few days, I noticed that every evening, the flute would ring, but the sound I heard later was not as good as the first time. Every day, as soon as I put down the piano, the flute will sound on time. I will run to the balcony and watch the construction site downstairs and listen carefully. I imagine that the flute player is a lonely old man, telling his mind; maybe it's a child, in front of my eyes, a child riding on the back of an old buffalo playing flute有一天,当我照例走到阳台上向下看时,我看到一位建筑工人坐在地上,他正吹着笛子。 忽然,笛声戛然而止,当它再次响起时,我惊异地发现,他吹的是我弹的曲子! 虽然笛声时断时续,但我仍能分辨出来,这是我喜爱的一首曲子。 不是亲眼所见,我无论如何不能相信,一个人仅凭耳朵听曲子,就能用手中的笛子原封不动地吹出来,而且吹得如此遥,虽然吹得不太熟练。 做到这一切的,还是我往日十分轻视的工人! 我感到震惊! One day, when I went to the balcony as usual and looked down, I saw a construction worker sitting on the ground, he was playing the flute. Suddenly, the sound of the flute stopped abruptly. When it rang again, I was surprised to find that what he played was the music I played! Although the flute sounds intermittently, but I can still distinguish, this is my favorite song. It's not what I saw with my own eyes, but I can't believe that a person can play the flute in his hand intact only by listening to the music with his ears, and he can play it so accurately, though not very skillfully. It's the workers I despised so much! I was shocked! 晚上,妈妈竟也谈到了这位工人:“你看看人家,天天在太阳底下盖房子,比你累多了吧? 人家晚上雷打不动地吹到你上遥,人家活得不是挺轻松嘛! ”In the evening, my mother even talked about the worker: "you look at people and build houses in the sun every day. Are you more tired than you? It's not easy for others to live when they still blow you to bed at night! "我不再叫苦。 于是,早晨,梦中的笛声把我惊醒;晚上,窗外的笛声陪我入睡。 在我练那首曲子时,笛声总悄然响起,只是,轻轻地,似乎生怕被我听见。 终于,他不再害怕。 于是琴声和着笛声融会在一起,分外地和谐、优美、宁静,妙遥言。 我激动了,泪珠在眼眶里打转,我觉得,我找到了这首曲子的真谛,是这位工人朋友帮我找到的。 是的,我的感情得到了升华……I don't cry anymore. Therefore, in the morning, the flute in my dream wakes me up; in the evening, the flute outside my window accompanies me to sleep. When I practiced that tune, the flute always sounded quietly, but, gently, it seemed that I was afraid of being heard. At last, he was no longer afraid. Therefore, the sound of zither and flute are integrated together, which can be divided into harmony, beauty and tranquility in other places. It's wonderful. I was excited. Tears rolled in my eyes. I felt that I found the true meaning of this song, which was found by this worker friend. Yes, my feelings have been sublimated考遥时,我的耳边始终萦绕着笛声,我以自己的方式理解着乐曲,终于,我考上了十遥! 当我兴奋地冲到阳台上准备鼓起勇气把这个好消息告诉那位素未谋面的朋友时,我怔住了。 几天的激动与紧张使我忘却了眼前拔地而起的大楼。 是的,我将永远不能再与那笛声合作! In the examination, my ears are always haunted by the sound of flute. I understand the music in my own way. Finally, I passed the examination of Grade 10! When I excitedly rushed to the balcony to summon up the courage to tell the good news to the friend I had never met before, I was stunned. The excitement and tension of a few days made me forget the building that rose up in front of me. Yes, I will never be able to cooperate with that flute again! 不知在哪一天的哪个角落,我又听见了笛声。 我总觉得这笛声好耳熟,原来,那笛声,那段记忆已被我永远珍藏在我心底! I don't know which corner of the day, I heard the flute again. I always think this flute sound is familiar to me. It turns out, that flute sound, that memory has been stored in my heart forever! 亲爱的朋友,你是否仍在吹笛子? 你知道吗? 一位远方的姑娘多么希望和你合奏一曲——《思乡曲》。 Dear friend, are you still playing the flute? You know what? How a distant girl would like to play a song with you - "homesickness".