The Silly Questions 愚蠢的问题People always like to test children and want to make fun of them. The kids will be asked who they love more between their father and mother. It is such a silly question for me. Everybody loves them both, and there is no need to compare. What’s more, it will hurt parents’ feelings, so people should not ask such a question. 人们总是喜欢考验小孩,和他们开玩笑。 孩子们总会被问到,更爱爸爸还是妈妈。 这对我来说是一个很愚蠢的问题。 每个人都喜欢自己的父母,并不需要比较。 而且,这样比较还会伤害父母的感情,所以大家不应该问这样一个问题。