

初中英语词汇初一(字母)上 t-z

2016-03-02 00:00:00浏览:
初中英语词汇初一(字母)上 t-z  table   take   tall   teacher   ten   term   thank   thanks   that   the   their   theirs   them   there   these   they   thing   think   thirteen   this   this way,please   those   time   to   today   tokyo   too   tree   trousers   tv   twelve   twin   two   uncle   under   up   us   very   very much   wall   want   washroom   watch   watch tv   where   we   welcome   well   what   what about   where   which   white   who   who's   why   wife   will   window   with   woman   women   work   worker   worry   yellow   yes   you   young   young pioneer   your   yours   yourself   zero