送温暖我舅公是一位农民企业家,经营着一家大公司,舅公致富不忘扶贫,他也是当地有名的慈善家。 My uncle is a farmer entrepreneur who runs a big company. He is also a famous philanthropist in the area. 年关已到,舅公又开始了他的“送温暖”行动。 多年以来,舅公总不忘给几个贫困山村的老人送去过年的物资,他是那些贫困老人的贴心人。 The year has come, my uncle began his "send warmth" action. For many years, my uncle has always sent materials for the Spring Festival to the old people in several poor villages. He is a close friend of those poor old people. 遥,我和妈妈到舅公家去玩,恰逢舅公准备了一卡车的物资,要到一个山村去“送温暖”。 舅公热情地邀请我们一同前往,我欣然加入了这次意义遥的活动。 Today, my mother and I went to my uncle's house to play. It happened that my uncle had prepared a truck of goods and materials to send warmth to a mountain village. My uncle warmly invited us to go together, and I am glad to join in this meaningful activity. 从舅公家出发,卡车一路颠簸,开到了一个山青水秀却无比落后的山村。 未等我们的车停稳,村民们就迫不及待地蜂拥上来,有人点燃了挂在村口老树上的鞭遥,一群妇女敲起了锣鼓,小山村顿时充满了喜气。 Starting from my uncle's house, the truck bumped all the way to a beautiful but backward village. Before our car stopped stably, the villagers could not wait to rush up. Someone lit the firecrackers hanging on the old trees at the entrance of the village. A group of women beat the gongs and drums. The village was filled with joy. 舅公从卡车里出来,笑容满面地与熟人们打着招呼,纯朴的村民争相握着舅公的手,发自肺腑地说着感激的话……My uncle came out of the truck and greeted the acquaintances with a smile on his face. The simple villagers vied to hold my uncle's hand and said the words of gratitude from the bottom of their hearts在村长的组织下,村里的八十多位老人都分到了舅公送来的一遥棉被、一袋大米和二百元遥。 我看到许多老人的眼眶红了,舅公诚恳地握着他们的手说:“有困难一定来找我……”Under the organization of the village head, more than 80 old people in the village have been given a quilt, a bag of rice and 200 yuan by their uncle. I saw that many old people's eyes were red. My uncle sincerely held their hands and said, "if you have any difficulty, come to me. . . "我们挥手与村民告别,我相信,此时此刻,所有人的心里都是暖阳洋洋的。 We waved goodbye to the villagers. I believe that at this moment, everyone's heart is warm.