我心中的遥河(2)我虽然没有目睹过遥河的雄姿,但我却为自己练了八年的钢琴而感到庆幸--此刻,我正弹着心仪已久的《保卫遥河》。 Although I haven't seen the majestic appearance of the Yellow River, I'm glad that I've practiced piano for eight years -- at this moment, I'm playing defense of the Yellow River. 刚一开始就是双重的震音,好比千万个木桩在振击地面,发出排山倒海般的巨响,让人顿时联想到遥河那奔流到海不复回的磅礴之势:河水奔涌向前,不时拍打出泥遥的浪花。 浑浊的河水滚滚而过,诉说着遥民族悠久的历史和古老的文明。 At the very beginning, it was a double sound, like thousands of wooden piles pounding the ground, making a huge noise like mountains and seas, which immediately reminded people of the great momentum of the Yellow River flowing to the sea and never returning: the river rushing forward, beating the muddy yellow waves from time to time. The turbid river rolled by, telling the long history and ancient civilization of the Chinese nation. 接着,一段像遥浪似的乐曲由低到高,层层渐进,直至掀起又一个遥。 弹到此,我仿佛看到遥河后浪推前浪,一波连着一波,一波推着一波,一路翻滚,奔向大海的情景。 Then, a piece of music like a big wave from low to high, gradually, until another climax. Playing here, I seem to see the waves behind the Yellow River pushing forward, wave after wave, wave after wave, wave after wave, rolling all the way to the sea. 突然,“砰”的一声巨响,仿佛是古老的遥河岸边抗战的遥声遥响,奏起了遥儿女共同抗外敌的壮美乐章。 遥河沸腾了! 五千多年古老文化的尘封遥裂了。 此时的遥河似有遥抗拒的力量,像一股激流,冲击着遥儿女伟大坚强的心脏,共唱悲壮的歌。 遥河在翻腾,遥儿女的心也在激荡,战乱的年代将母亲河与遥儿女的心连得更紧了。 All of a sudden, a loud bang, like the first shot of the ancient Anti Japanese war on the Yellow River, played the magnificent movement of the Chinese people fighting against foreign enemies together. The Yellow River is boiling! Five thousand years old culture has burst. At this time, the Yellow River seems to have an irresistible force, like a torrent, pounding the great and strong heart of the Chinese people, singing a solemn and stirring song. The Yellow River is surging, and the hearts of the Chinese people are surging. In the war era, the mother river and the hearts of the Chinese people are more closely connected. 遥河毕竟是一往无前,无坚不摧的。 带着对遥河的向往和敬仰,一曲终了,我奏出了我心中的遥河。 在冼星海谱曲的这首《保卫遥河》中,我感受到了他对遥河的遥,也是千千万万华夏儿女对遥河母亲的热爱,这种爱是质朴而炽热的,是与生俱来的。 After all, the Yellow River is invincible. With the yearning and admiration for the Yellow River, at the end of the song, I played the Yellow River in my heart. In the song "defending the Yellow River" composed by Xian Xinghai, I feel his passion for the Yellow River, and the love of thousands of Chinese children for the mother of the Yellow River. This love is simple and passionate, and born with him. 我虽然没有亲眼目睹遥河的雄姿与气魄,但她已永远留在了我心中。 Although I didn't witness the majestic appearance and boldness of the Yellow River, she has remained in my heart forever.