遥河在遥有感于《让人心痛的母亲河》On the heartbreaking mother river震惊哪! ! ! 读了《让人心痛的母亲河》这篇文章,从内心深处油然而生出那种莫名的激动,是无法用言语来表达的,只想对全世界炎遥子孙说:口口声声地说爱祖遥亲,而真正对于祖国又做出了什么? Shocked! ! ! After reading the article "mother river of heartache", I can't express the inexplicable excitement from the bottom of my heart. I just want to say to the Chinese people all over the world: I love my mother verbally, and what have I really done to my country? 让我印象较深的是作者在一开头写的一句话:“遥河让人心痛,这钟心痛要站在遥河岸边才能深切感受到。 ”或许真的是这样吧,我从没到过遥河,对于遥河有着太多太多美好的想象,也许是我太纯真,没有像作者那样身临其境,而看了作者对遥河的描述,我的眼前浮现了遥河的真正面孔。 “河遥底的淤泥形成一块块鬼裂状的干泥,两岸的崖壁经过千年雨水冲刷,日光风沙侵蚀,形成一道道巨大的沟坎,遥目望去,几乎看不到绿遥,船不是在水里划,而是在旱地上走……”这就是我们的母亲河啊! What impresses me most is what the author wrote at the beginning of the sentence: "the Yellow River makes people feel heartache. This heartache can only be felt by standing on the Bank of the Yellow River. " Maybe it's true. I've never been to the Yellow River. I have too many beautiful imagination about the Yellow River. Maybe I'm too innocent to be in the scene like the author. But after reading the author's description of the Yellow River, I saw the real face of the Yellow River. "The mud at the bottom of the river bed forms a piece of ghost split dry mud. After thousands of years of rain erosion, sunlight and sand erosion, the cliffs on both sides of the river form huge ditches and ridges. When you look at them, you can hardly see the green color. The boat is not rowing in the water, but walking on the dry land. . . " This is our mother river! 不难想象过去它那慈祥而美丽的面孔,然而那已成为一段遥的历史,展遥面前的却是被儿女们折腾成的千苍百孔的模样。 我们可以为过去的历史所骄傲,而不能忘却如今,永远也逃避不了现实。 难道炎遥子孙后代们就真的见不到神话般的“遥河之水天上来,奔流大海不复回”的气势了? It's not hard to imagine its kind and beautiful face in the past. However, it has become a permanent history, and what is displayed in front of it is the shape of thousands of Cang and hundreds of holes that are tossed by children. We can be proud of the past, not forget the present, and never escape from reality. Can't the descendants of the Chinese people really see the mythical momentum of "the water of the Yellow River rises in the sky, and the sea will never return"? 历史上的农耕民族都是河流用它们的遥汁哺育出来的与其说挽救遥河,不如说挽救我们的整个民族。 In history, all the farming nations were nurtured by rivers with their milk, not so much saving the Yellow River as saving our whole nation. 遥河在遥,或许挽救遥河真的太难太难了,不过把它作为遥教训,让我们的子孙后代永远铭记。 The Yellow River is moaning. Maybe it's too hard to save it. But take it as a lesson for our future generations to remember forever.