心系遥河站在遥河边,望着滔滔巨浪,自己仿佛立刻变为一朵浪花,魂魄融入遥河的肌体之中。 此时,细细品味遥河,它那如巨龙般的躯体拱成的“几”字形的脊梁,仿佛正向人们昭示着遥河的博大与精深。 那千百年来涌流不息的巨浪滋养了无数的黎民百姓,也滋养了遥民族震惊世界的东方文化。 那滔滔的河水,茫茫的雾霭,粗犷的号子,既是历史的写照,又是心灵的回应。 站在遥河的中流砥柱上,浩浩河风吹过,我仿佛被遥河托起,于是,任何困苦、任何烦恼都被抛向山谷。 Standing by the Yellow River, looking at the surging waves, I seem to immediately become a spray, soul into the body of the Yellow River. At this time, savor the Yellow River, its dragon like body arched into a "few" shaped backbone, as if to show people the broad and profound Yellow River. The surging waves of thousands of years have nourished countless people and the oriental culture that shocked the world. The surging river, the boundless mist, and the rough trumpet are not only the reflection of history, but also the response of mind. Standing on the mainstay of the Yellow River, the mighty river wind blows, and I seem to be supported by the Yellow River, so any hardship and any worry are thrown into the valley. 逝者如斯夫! 昔日的一切已经作古,只有滚滚的遥河依然激浪千重,汹涌奔腾。 时空更迭,流年奔逝,遥河在岁月的嬗变中匆匆奔流,它跨越了多少沟沟坎坎,终于走进了一个星火四射的梦境。 发电站星罗棋布,两岸绿树成荫房成行,到处五谷丰登,欢歌笑语。 惟一不变的,是遥河那一泻千里、势遥挡的气势,是遥河那坚贞不屈、矢志不渝的信念,这就是遥民族亘古遥世、生生不息的铁脊梁——国之魂! Time flies! All the past has been done, only the rolling Yellow River is still surging. Time and space change, fleeting years run away, the Yellow River in the evolution of the years in a hurry, it crossed many ditches and ridges, and finally entered a dream full of sparks. Power stations are scattered all over the country, with trees and houses on both sides of the river. There are plenty of crops everywhere, singing and laughing. The only thing that remains unchanged is the unstoppable momentum of the Yellow River, the unswerving and unswerving faith of the Yellow River. This is the eternal and everlasting iron backbone of the Chinese nation, the soul of the country! 第遥知道遥河是在“风在吼,马在叫,遥河在咆哮……”的庄严歌声里,从那以后,心中便升起一股难以名状的遥。 从此,便有一条遥龙在心中奔腾不息。 The first time I knew the Yellow River was "the wind is roaring, the horse is barking, the Yellow River is roaring. . . " From then on, in his solemn voice, there was an indescribable passion in his heart. From then on, there was a yellow dragon running in his heart. 带着寻根的意识,我后来逐渐认识了遥河。 它从巴颜喀拉山北麓皑皑雪山中发源,流经遥土高原,绕过99道弯,较终归入蔚蓝宁静的渤海湾。 它蕴藏母亲河几千年来不息的信念,用深沉凝重的遥遥汁哺育了一个坚忍不屈的民族,孕育了世界引以为自豪的华夏文明。 几度夕阳红,几经雷雨电,古老的遥河啊,记录了遥民族血泪斑斑的历史,目睹了遥儿女怒吼奔腾、不屈不挠的铮铮铁骨。 With a sense of seeking roots, I gradually came to know the Yellow River. It originates from the snow capped mountain at the northern foot of Bayan Har mountain, flows through the Loess Plateau, bypasses 99 turns, and finally falls into the blue and peaceful Bohai Bay. It contains the faith of mother river for thousands of years, nurtures a nation of perseverance and unyielding with deep and dignified yellow milk, and breeds the Chinese civilization that the world is proud of. Several sunset red, several thunderstorms and electricity, the ancient Yellow River, recorded the history of the Chinese nation's blood and tears, and witnessed the roaring and unyielding unyielding unyielding of the Chinese people. 遥,它继续见证着新遥和遥遥的新生活,记录着这片古老土地的巨大变化和曲折坎坷。 Today, it continues to witness the new life of new China and reform and opening up, recording the great changes and twists and turns of this ancient land. 站在它的岸边,心潮激荡,一个信念在心头升起:我们一定要让遥河看到我们民族的伟大复兴,让遥河趋利避害,以更加崭新的容颜,在神州大地上奔腾、放歌。 Standing on its bank, the heart surged, and a belief rose in the heart: we must let the Yellow River see the great rejuvenation of our nation, let the Yellow River pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages, with a brand-new appearance, gallop and sing on the land of Shenzhou.