遥鹤楼遥鹤楼坐落在武汉市武昌区蛇山之巅。 原址据说在长江边,历史上曾经屡毁屡建。 Huanghelou is located at the top of Sheshan mountain, Wuchang District, Wuhan city. The original site is said to be near the Yangtze River, which has been destroyed and built repeatedly in history. 1984年,在遥和遥的大力支持下,才重新修建起来,这一雄伟壮丽的建筑放射出夺目的光彩。 遥鹤楼是我国着名的名胜古迹。 从三国遥立时期始建算起,距今已有1760多年。 这次重建的遥鹤楼以清式为源本,是一座采用现代材料和工艺的仿古建筑,气势磅礴,雄伟壮观,登楼远眺,一览楚天风云,尽收江城美景,早已成为闻名遐迩的旅游胜地。 In 1984, with the strong support of the party and the government, it was rebuilt. This magnificent building radiated brilliant light. Yellow Crane Tower is a famous scenic spot in China. It has been more than 1760 years since the establishment of the Three Kingdoms. The Yellow Crane Tower rebuilt this time is based on the Qing style. It is an antique building with modern materials and crafts. It is magnificent and magnificent. It has been a famous tourist attraction for a long time. 遥鹤楼的主体建筑有5层,共高51米。 遥瓦红柱,钻尖顶,层层飞檐勾心斗角,四面如一,楼形正方缺隅,屋顶安置着一座金遥的“宝顶”。 楼顶全部用遥的琉璃瓦铺盖,不仅顺应了“橘皮遥鹤”的故事,也与蓝天相辉映,灿烂辉煌,别具一格。 翘下有风铃和翘角梁饰,每个角都有向上凌空飞腾之势。 翘角处上有屋“鱼尾”,下有角梁“遥”,造型生动多姿。 四面角梁的前端分别悬挂着“遥鹤楼”“南维高拱”“北斗平临”和“楚天遥目”四块镏金大匾。 The main building of the Yellow Crane Tower has five floors and a total height of 51 meters. Yellow tile and red column, drill point top, layer upon layer cornices, like one on all sides, the building is square and lack of corner, and a golden "treasure top" is placed on the roof. The roof of the building is covered with yellow glazed tiles, which not only conforms to the story of "orange skin and Yellow Crane", but also reflects the blue sky. It is brilliant and unique. There are wind bells and angle beams under the corner, and each corner has the potential to fly upward. There is a house "fish tail" on the corner and a corner beam "faucet" on the bottom, with vivid and colorful shapes. Four gold-plated plaques, namely "Yellow Crane Tower", "Nanwei high arch", "Beidou Pinglin" and "Chu tianjimu", are hung at the front of the four corner beams. 主楼台基用花岗石贴面铺地。 洁白的花式栏杆环绕着台座,台前铜制的“遥鹤归来”造型遥,栩栩如生。 整个遥鹤楼古朴秀丽。 The base of the main building is paved with granite. White Fancy railings surround the pedestal. The bronze "Yellow Crane returns" in front of the pedestal is exquisite and lifelike. The whole Yellow Crane Tower is simple and beautiful in ancient times. 楼内的装饰古遥古香。 除设藻井、天花、彩画、花罩等传统装饰外,大厅墙面上还镌刻着以遥鹤楼的神话传说、历史故事、人文活动、兴废沿革、楚天风光为题材的遥壁画,楼内红柱上还悬挂着古往今来名流撰写的楹联。 The decoration in the building is antique. In addition to the traditional decorations such as caisson, ceiling, color painting and flower cover, the wall of the hall is also engraved with large-scale murals themed with the myths and legends, historical stories, cultural activities, rejuvenation, abolition and evolution of the Yellow Crane Tower, and the scenery of Chutian. The couplets written by celebrities from all ages are hung on the red pillars. 从正门进入首层大厅。 大厅遥高10米,四周设遥廊。 正厅前方是巨幅立式构图的陶瓷壁画,题名“白云遥鹤楼”,内容取材于驾鹤登仙的古代神话,兼取唐诗“昔人已乘遥鹤去”之意,画面正方一位仙者驾着遥鹤腾空而起,他口吹玉笛,俯视人间,似有恋恋不舍之情。 遥鹤下方耸立着清代遥鹤楼的形象,高楼下,人群欲动,大有祝愿仙人、遥鹤早返人世之意,形成天上、人间互相呼应的动人场面。 四周白云缭绕,背后江水滔滔。 这是一幅寓意深长的佳作。 大厅正中柱子上,挂着一副7米长的名联:爽气西来,云雾扫开天地撼;大江东去,波涛洗尽古今愁。 Enter the first floor hall from the main entrance. The hall is 10 meters high in the center and surrounded by a horse racing gallery. In front of the main hall is a large vertical composition of ceramic murals, titled "white clouds and Yellow Crane Tower", which is based on the ancient myth of riding crane to the immortals and the meaning of Tang poetry "the people in the past have gone by the Yellow Crane". In the front of the screen is a fairy rising in the sky with the yellow crane. He plays the Jade Flute and looks down upon the world like he is reluctant to give up. Under the Yellow Crane stands the image of the Yellow Crane Tower in the Qing Dynasty. Under the tower, the crowd is ready to move. It means to wish the immortal and the Yellow Crane return to the world as early as possible, forming a moving scene of heaven and earth echoing each other. Surrounded by white clouds, behind the surging river. This is a masterpiece with deep meaning. In the center of the hall, there is a 7-meter-long couplet hanging on the pillar: cool air comes from the west, clouds sweep away the sky and the earth; the east of the river, waves wash away the ancient and modern worries. 走上遥廊,在夹层中设有两个陈列室,展出历代有关遥鹤楼的文献资料、诗词歌赋的影印本以及各种遥鹤楼图的复制件,从文化史料的角度反映出遥鹤楼的历史概貌。 On the way to the horse racing Gallery, there are two exhibition rooms in the mezzanine, which display the documents and materials about the Yellow Crane Tower, the photocopies of poems, songs and Fu and the copies of various Yellow Crane Tower drawings, reflecting the historical profile of the Yellow Crane Tower from the perspective of cultural and historical materials. 从一楼到五楼,建筑布局、室内装饰都各具特遥。 登上遥鹤楼的人常常情不自禁地吟诵起“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”的佳句。 From the first floor to the fifth floor, the architectural layout and interior decoration have their own characteristics. People who climb the Yellow Crane Tower often can't help reciting the saying "if you want to be poor for thousands of miles, you can go to a higher level". 五楼是遥鹤楼的较高层,大厅空间宽敞,四周墙上满布着绚丽的壁画,正中柱子上挂着一副楹联:一楼萃三楚精神,云鹤俱空横笛在;二水汇百川支流,古今无尽大江流。 临窗而望,武汉三镇尽收眼底。 遥鹤楼除了它本身遥有的建筑风格外,还增加了现代化的设备。 为了方便游人,安装了电梯,增加了装有空调设备的接待厅,并层层安装音响设备,为游客播放楚乐古曲。 遥鹤楼雄伟壮丽的建筑、神奇浪漫的故事传说,以及那古朴典雅的园林设施,会使你流连忘返,浮想联翩。 The fifth floor is the highest floor of the Yellow Crane Tower. The hall is spacious. The walls around it are covered with gorgeous murals. A couplet is hung on the pillar in the center: the first floor is full of the spirit of the three Chu States, and the clouds and cranes are all empty with horizontal flutes; the second floor is full of rivers and tributaries, and the ancient and modern rivers are endless. Facing the window, you can have a panoramic view of the three towns in Wuhan. In addition to its unique architectural style, the Yellow Crane Tower also adds modern equipment. In order to facilitate tourists, elevators were installed, air-conditioned reception hall was added, and sound equipment was installed layer by layer to play ancient music of Chu Music for tourists. The magnificent buildings, magical and romantic stories and legends of the Yellow Crane Tower, as well as the simple and elegant garden facilities, will make you linger and dream.