拥抱春天当春姑娘姗姗步入人间,对着大地、对着天空、对着睡眼朦胧的万物反复轻唱着春之歌的时候,春意也就越来越浓。 浸透了大地,草木发芽,在明媚的遥下轻舒腰肢;浸透了湖水,鱼儿嬉戏,鸥鸟低翔;浸透了空气,各种昆虫抖落冬留下的寒意,在温柔的春风中振翅低飞;浸透了姑娘、小伙子们,美丽的衣衫,潇洒的外套,在和煦的阳光下一举一动,一颦一笑,无不倾泻出丝丝春意……When spring girl comes into the world, singing the song of spring to the earth, to the sky and to the sleeping things, spring will become more and more strong. Soaked in the earth, plants sprouted, relaxed in the bright spring light; soaked in the lake water, fish played, gulls soared low; soaked in the air, all kinds of insects shook off the chill left by winter, fluttered their wings and flew low in the gentle spring wind; soaked in the girls, boys, beautiful clothes, smart coats, every move in the warm sun, with a smile and a frown, all pouring out silk Silk spring我爱春天,尤其是春天的早晨,一人遥坐在书桌前,享受着阳光的恩赐,一面打开收录机,聆听自己喜爱的乐曲,时间似乎在这一刻静止,灵魂在一串串美妙的音符中游弋;放开心的羽翼,思想开始在梦幻的时空中穿梭! 好象一只遥的蝴蝶,在遥满眼的田野中起舞,在争奇斗艳的群花中尽情享受醉人的馨香;眼前,出现了一条小溪,水质清澈,沁人心脾,小溪蜿蜒曲折,随地势时缓时急;她起源于终年白雪皑皑的高山,流过生机盎然的草地;穿过百鸟欢鸣,百兽安居的深林,纳百川之灵气,容万物之精华,汇入江河,涛声阵阵,那是对春天的赞歌;顺流而下,水面越来越宽,终入大海……春天的海水也散发着暖气,各遥鱼儿穿梭其中,各种船只畅游其上,为海和天之间增添了一道美丽的风景线……I love spring, especially in the spring morning, sitting alone at my desk, enjoying the gift of sunshine, while opening the recorder, listening to my favorite music, time seems to be at a standstill at this moment, the soul cruises in a series of wonderful notes; the happy wings, thoughts start to shuttle in the dreamlike space-time! It's like a light butterfly dancing in the fields full of spring and enjoying the intoxicating fragrance in the colorful flowers. In front of her eyes, there is a stream with clear water, refreshing, winding, slow and urgent terrain. It originated in the snow capped mountains all year round, flowing through the lively grassland, passing through the deep forest where birds sing and animals live in peace, The spirit of npak River, the essence of all things, flows into rivers and waves. It is a song of praise for the spring. Downstream, the water is getting wider and wider, and finally enters the sea. In spring, the sea water also radiates heat. All kinds of fish shuttle among them. All kinds of boats swim on it, adding a beautiful scenery between the sea and the sky心幻化成的蝴蝶继续在春风中飞翔,看不尽的春之山水,听不完的春之旋律……啊,春天,这就是令人陶醉的春天;此时此刻,心中忽然生出一种渴望,想拥抱春天,拥抱生机勃勃的万物! Butterflies in the heart continue to fly in the spring wind, endless spring scenery, endless spring melody Ah, spring, this is the intoxicating spring; at this moment, a desire suddenly arises in my heart to embrace spring and all living things!