较新科技成果三则发现大脑中有个引路人Find a guide in your brain人的大脑就像一块高遥集成电路,那数以千亿计的神经纤维怎样才能有序排列,各行其道? 较近,中科院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所的博士袁小兵等人在大脑中发现一个“引路人”,它能指引神经纤维沿着正确的路线“前进”,不致走上“岔道”。 The human brain is like a high-level integrated circuit. How can hundreds of billions of nerve fibers be arranged in an orderly way? Recently, Yuan Xiaobing, Ph. D. of Neuroscience Research Institute of Shanghai Institute of life sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and others found a "guide" in the brain, which can guide the nerve fibers to "advance" along the right route without "turning off". 这个“引路人”叫Rho小鸟苷三遥酸酶,“驻扎”在神经细胞内,能够侦察神经纤维生长的“路况”,比如哪条路是“绿灯”,哪条路是“红灯”,并传递这种路况信息,指导神经纤维的生长方向。 The "guide" is called Rho biradine triphosphatase, which is stationed in nerve cells and can detect the "road conditions" of nerve fiber growth, such as which road is the "green light" and which is the "red light", and transmit this road information to guide the growth direction of nerve fiber. 人类的情感、学习、思维等活动都有赖于设计遥的神经网络的工作。 因此,神经纤维导向机制已成为脑科学的研究热点,它不仅有助于揭示神经发育的奥秘,还能对神经损伤再生的研究提供理论借鉴,为开发和研制有利于神经再生的药物提供新思路。 Human emotion, learning, thinking and other activities all depend on the work of designing precise neural network. Therefore, the mechanism of nerve fiber guidance has become a research hotspot in brain science. It not only helps to reveal the mystery of nerve development, but also provides a theoretical reference for the study of nerve injury and regeneration, and provides a new idea for the development and development of drugs conducive to nerve regeneration. 巨型圆环绕银河Giant rings around the Milky way近来,天文学家观测到一个由几亿乃至几十亿颗恒星组成的环缓慢围绕银河系旋转。 这一新发现为银河系产生于大遥的观点提供了新的证据。 Recently, astronomers have observed a ring of billions or even billions of stars slowly circling the Milky way. This new discovery provides new evidence for the idea that the galaxy was born in the big bang. 目前看到的这个环还不完整,科学家将继续寻找其他部分,并研究其中恒星的温度、亮度、速度等。 目前圆环的成因还不清楚,有科学家认为,其中的一些恒星有可能诞生于银河系内部,在漫长的年代里运行到了外缘;也有可能圆环是银河系附近一个小星系的残骸,该星系在银河系引力作用下被吞并。 研究这个圆环的起源,有助于了解星系的演化过程。 At present, this ring is not complete. Scientists will continue to look for other parts and study the temperature, brightness and speed of stars. At present, the cause of the ring is not clear. Some scientists believe that some of the stars may have been born in the inner part of the Milky way and moved to the outer edge in a long period of time. It is also possible that the ring is the remains of a small galaxy near the Milky way, which is swallowed by the gravitation of the Milky way. Studying the origin of this ring will help us to understand the evolution of galaxies. 新概念数码手镯New concept digital Bracelet我们在动画片里看到圣斗士、太空人等身上都穿戴有特殊的装置,一抬手腕就可发射激光,或把手腕凑近嘴边即可通话,非常酷。 We can see in the cartoon that saints, astronauts and so on are all wearing special devices. Once the wrist is raised, the laser can be fired, or the wrist can be close to the mouth to talk, which is very cool. 遥美国TRIUM公司设计了一款类似的穿戴式通讯手镯。 手镯上装有通讯及影像传输功能,遥屏位于手背上的那一部分,手腕右侧还安装了一个微型遥头,用户可以在观看影像的同时直接打开麦克风通话。 戴上它你也能像圣斗士一样威风。 Now, trim company of the United States has designed a similar wearable communication bracelet. The bracelet is equipped with communication and image transmission functions. The display is located in the part on the back of the bracelet. A micro camera is also installed on the right side of the wrist. Users can directly turn on the microphone to talk while watching the image. You can wear it like a saint fighter.