谁不说俺家乡好我家住甘肃巴丹吉林沙漠边缘。 但我没有看到过“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”的壮观景象。 我见过的沙漠并不浩瀚,而且被勤劳的遥改造成了公园。 公园里行行白杨树挺立在路旁,沙丘上种满了梭梭、红柳、胡杨、甘草、沙棘等,芳草萋萋,绿遥如盖,我实在叫不出更多的沙生植物的名字。 公园里建了遥场、滑沙场,凉亭,还修了人工湖,丝毫让人感觉不到“羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关”的凄凉景象。 My family lives on the edge of Badain Jilin desert, Gansu Province. But I haven't seen the spectacular scene of "smoke in the desert, yen in the river". The desert I have seen is not vast, and it has been transformed into a park by hard-working people. In the park, walking poplar trees stand on the roadside. The sand dunes are full of Haloxylon, red willow, Populus euphratica, liquorice, Hippophae rhamnoides, etc. the grass is luxuriant and the green is overcast. I can't really name more of the Psammophytes. In the park, there are horse racing grounds, sand sliding grounds, pavilions and artificial lakes, which make people feel the bleak scene of "why Qiang flutes complain about willows, and the spring wind doesn't touch Yumen pass". 如今,我们处在信息时代,有幸赶上了网络的末班车,电话和网络使我们“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”,让我们与全遥乃至全世界的朋友彼此遥互动,欢畅沟通。 Today, we are in the information age. We are lucky to catch up with the last bus of the Internet. The telephone and Internet make us "friends in the sea, like neighbors in the world". They make us interact with each other passionately and communicate happily with friends from all over China and even the world. 我的家乡是葡萄酒的故乡。 “葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。 醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回! ”遥翰的这首《凉州词》就是家乡葡萄美酒的写照。 “莫高”牌干红、干白葡萄酒、冰葡萄酒已享誉省内外。 文化搭台,经贸唱戏,深厚的历史文化积淀,使我家乡特产如虎添翼。 今年遥“乡洽会”上丝绸之路上的众多制酒公司与港商签定了大批订单,为地方经济的腾飞奠定了雄厚的物质基础。 My hometown is the hometown of wine. "Wine in the dark cup. If you want to drink pipa, hurry up. Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. How many people have fought in the past! " Wang Han's "Liangzhou Ci" is a portrait of the grape wine in his hometown. "Mogao" brand dry red, dry white wine, ice wine has been well-known in and out of the province. Cultural platform, economic and trade performance, and profound historical and cultural accumulation make our hometown's specialty even more powerful. This year, many liquor companies on the Silk Road signed a large number of orders with Hong Kong merchants, laying a solid material foundation for the development of local economy. “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 ”"It's a long way to go. I'll go up and down. "我和我的家乡将不负祖国的重望,将发挥老一辈“两弹一星”精神和新一代“载人航天”精神,在诞生了“两弹一星”、“载人航天”的土地上再创辉煌。 My hometown and I will not live up to the great expectations of our motherland. We will give full play to the spirit of the older generation of "two bombs and one star" and the spirit of the new generation of "manned spaceflight", and create new brilliance in the land where "two bombs and one star" and "manned spaceflight" were born.