乡水悠悠让我陶醉外婆的家在苏州农村,那里隔遥了尘世的喧嚣,惟留下遥的乡音,悠悠故乡水,还有那外婆沏好的碧螺春……Grandma's home is in the countryside of Suzhou, which is isolated from the noise of the world, but leaves lingering rural sound, long hometown water, and Biluochun made by grandma“这里是水的世界,看那陈西的小河横贯了这小镇上的一切,人事景情融在水里渐渐淡了散了化了……”听余秋雨先生讲述这小镇乡水的故事不觉出了神,还是自己去水边走走,去感受乡水的气息吧。 "This is the world of water. Look at the small river of Chenxi running through everything in this town. The scenery of human affairs has gradually faded away in the water. . . " Listening to Mr. Yu Qiuyu's story about the town's rural water, I don't feel the spirit. I'd better go to the water's edge for a walk and feel the flavor of the rural water. 正值夏日,烈日当空,走着走着忽觉清风习习。 顺着凉风,紧走几步,果真发现一条静谧的小河穿梭于水乡古镇。 It is summer, the sun is in the sky, walking suddenly feel the breeze. Following the cool wind and taking a few steps, I found a quiet river running through the ancient town of water town. 一切悄然无声,我蹑手蹑脚,不敢打破这遥有的宁静。 这河面像冷翡翠,仙人镜,还是珠玉盘? 一时间我惊呆了,竟不知该何以修饰。 当然较在意的莫过于为何日光是如此清凉? 定睛细视,找到了其中的原委,那红日当头,恰投入河面遥,万丈华光在水面上散射出条条五彩的光带,光带又好似被这清水所陶醉,脱去了层层的灼热的华袍,较后竟成了点点光斑,在款款柔波中组成螺旋样,好似在跳小蜜蜂的“八”字舞……Everything is silent, I'm not afraid to break this unique quiet. Is the river like cold emerald, immortal mirror or pearl jade plate? For a while I was shocked, but I didn't know how to decorate. Of course, the most important thing is why the sun is so cool? Looking closely, I found the original reason. The red sun was at the head of the river, and it just fell into the middle of the river. The brilliant light scattered a colorful band on the water. The band seemed to be intoxicated by the water, and took off the layers of hot robes. Finally, it became a little spot, forming a spiral in the soft waves, like dancing the eight character dance of the little bee习习清风,吹来一群野鸭,悠闲地在水中划过层层同心圆,而后是几只翩然起舞的蜻蜓,沾水润舌,此情此景,不正是“蜻蜓点水款款飞”吗? A group of wild ducks are blowing in the breeze. They leisurely paddle through concentric circles in the water, followed by a few dancing dragonflies, moistening their tongues with water. Isn't this the "dragonflies skimming the water and flying in style"? 人与景在此刻真正地相谐交融。 带着这点灵感,我划动我的笔尖,任点点心雨飞舞跳动,任款款思绪飘入云天,任丝丝愁情融入水中,我温柔地写下我生平遥篇诗歌——《东方版威尼斯》。 At this moment, people and scenery really blend harmoniously. With this inspiration, I stroke my pen tip, dance with dim sum rain, float my thoughts into the sky, and blend my sorrowful feelings into the water. I gently wrote down my first poem in my life - "Oriental Venice". 不经意的一道残阳铺入水中,抬起望去,一个梳着长辫子的村姑,正拿着个棒槌在水边洗衣,头上小鸟在轻鸣,耳边雏燕在呢喃,她轻轻拭干珍珠般的香汗。 远处,袅袅炊烟升起,依稀可见朦胧的青砖白瓦。 我无意离去,不知是陶醉在这天堂般的美景之中,还是正留恋这天使般的苏州美人? Inadvertently, a remnant sun spread into the water and looked up. A village girl with a long pigtail was washing clothes by the water with a mallet. The birds were singing softly on her head and the nestlings were whispering in her ears. She wiped the Pearl like sweat gently. In the distance, smoke rises, and dim blue bricks and white tiles can be seen. I have no intention of leaving. I don't know if I'm intoxicated with the beautiful scenery like heaven or if I'm nostalgic for the angel like Suzhou beauty? 这悠悠的乡水,不知陶醉了多少人,也不知滋养了多少年的文化底蕴。 夜黑了,月遥如水,水如天,遥水边悄然:在这“遥文化的后花园”里,乡水陶醉了唐伯虎,金圣叹,是否还有小小的我……I don't know how many people have been intoxicated by this long rural water, or how many years of cultural heritage it has nourished. It's dark at night, the moon is like water, the water is like sky, and the independent waterside is quiet: in this "back garden of Chinese culture", the rural water intoxicates Tang Bohu, Jin Shengtan, whether there is still a little me