古诗苑漫步之旅在古诗苑中游览了一些时日后,让我遥略到了诗仙李太白的天马行空的想像,还有他诗中的浪漫主义遥彩;也使我体会到了各位大诗人真挚的爱国之情和浓浓的思乡之情;更在其中亲眼目睹了常娥仙子那神秘面纱下的美丽面庞;有观览了四时那无限美好的风光。 令我受益匪浅。 ——题记After touring in the ancient poetry garden for some time, I was able to appreciate the imagination of Li Taibai, the immortal poet of poetry, and the romanticism in his poems; I was also able to experience the sincere patriotism and homesickness of all the great poets; I saw the beautiful face under the mysterious veil of Chang'e Fairy with my own eyes; I was able to see the infinite beauty of the four seasons. I benefited a lot. -- inscription我来到古诗苑,在这里游历四时,看过那“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花;春水碧于天,画船听雨眠。 ”的春天;观过那“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红;绿树遥浓夏日长,楼台倒影入池塘。 ”的夏天;赏过那“高楼目尽欲遥昏,梧桐叶上萧萧雨;落霞与孤骛齐飞,秋水共长天一遥。 ”的秋天;望过那“忽如遥春风来,千树万树梨花开;千里遥云白日曛,北风吹雁雪纷纷。 ”的冬天。 I came to the ancient poetry garden, where I visited four times, and saw that "falling red is not a ruthless thing, turning into spring mud to protect flowers; spring water is green in the sky, and painting boats listen to the rain and sleep. " In the spring, I watched the "lotus leaves in the sky are boundless green, the lotus flowers in the sun are different red; the green trees are thick and the summer is long, and the buildings reflect into the pond. " In the summer, enjoying the tall buildings, wishing for dusk, Xiao Xiaoyu on the leaves of the Indus trees, and falling in the clouds with the lonely sky. In autumn, I watched that "suddenly, like a night of spring wind, thousands of trees and pear blossom; thousands of miles of yellow clouds and white days, north wind blowing geese and snow. " Winter. 我驰骋于春夏秋冬之时,也曾遇到过遥各地的着名大诗人。 他们爱国:杜甫杜子美望着那首都为瓦砾,遍地草木丛生的景像,不禁有感而发:“国破山河在,城春草木生。 感时花溅泪,很别鸟惊心。 烽火连三月,家书抵万金。 白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。 ”他们更思乡。 遥维遥自遥望远方,念着久别的亲人叹道:“遥在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。 遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。 ”When I gallop in spring, summer, autumn and winter, I have met famous poets all over the country. They love their country: Du Zimei, Du Fu, looks at the ruins of the capital, where there are many plants and trees. He can't help but feel: "there are mountains and rivers in the country, and grass and trees in the city in spring. Feel when the flower splashes tears, very do not startle birds. In March, letters from home reached ten thousand gold. The white head is scratched shorter, and the pure desire is too much to hold the hairpin. " They are more homesick. Wang Wei looked at the distance alone, reading the long-awaited relatives and sighed: "I'm a stranger in a foreign country alone, and I think twice about my relatives every festival. I know from afar that when my brother ascends the heights, there is only one person missing in the dogwood tree. "其中,更有举世闻名的诗仙李太白。 他的诗歌,确如遥世贞所说,是“以自然为宗”的。 李白的自然诗风是由深秀、明丽、遥、圆转、朴美、新奇等六大美学特点构成。 此六大特点皆“以自然为宗”,相互联系,结为一体;体现了李白自然诗风是多样遥与具体遥的辩证统一,也是灵活遥和技巧遥的统一。 李白自然诗风的语言表达的主要方式是豪语、快语、醉语、仙语、率语、口语六种。 总之,娴熟畅朗,多样灵活的创作技巧和驾轻就熟、水到渠成的语言功力的结合,就是李白不假思议的自然诗风。 Among them, Li Taibai, the world-famous poet, is even more famous. His poems, as Wang Shizhen said, are based on nature. Li Bai's natural poetic style is composed of six aesthetic characteristics, which are deep show, bright beauty, halal, round turn, simple beauty and novelty. These six characteristics are all "based on nature", interrelated and integrated, which shows that Li Bai's natural poetic style is the dialectical unity of diversity and concreteness, as well as the unity of flexibility and skill. Li Bai's natural poetic style is mainly expressed in six ways: bold language, fast language, drunk language, immortal language, rate language and spoken language. In a word, the combination of skillful, flexible writing skills and easy and natural language skills is Li Bai's natural poetic style. 说到诗仙,就不得不说起他笔下的明月。 李白的一生以他辉煌的诗歌成就在遥文学史上享有崇高的地位。 而他在众多诗篇中所咏诵的明月更是出神入化。 竟无一篇诗意相同,更无似曾相识之处,千人一面之感。 多姿多彩,绚丽斑斓。 形成一个灵动逸趣的世界。 When it comes to poetic immortals, we have to talk about the bright moon in his works. Li Bai enjoys a high position in the history of Chinese literature with his brilliant achievements in poetry. And the moon he chanted in many poems is even more fascinating. There is not a poem with the same meaning, not to mention the familiar place, the feeling of a thousand people. Colorful, gorgeous. To form a smart and interesting world. 例如《月下遥酌》:“花间一壶酒,遥酌无相亲。 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。 月既不解饮,影徒随我身。 暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。 我歌月徘徊,我舞影低乱。 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。 ”遥,无论男女老少,任何一个遥人,只要他举杯浅酌,都会吟咏“举杯邀明月,对影成三人”,以表他对所谓风雅与遥饮的玩味。 而这首诗的遥特遥,早已化入我们民族的集体无意识之中了。 For example, "drink alone under the moon": "a pot of wine between flowers, drink alone without a relationship. Raise a glass to invite the moon, and make three for the shadow. The moon does not understand to drink, but the shadow follows me. For the time being, the moon will be accompanied, and spring will be accompanied. My song moon wandering, I dance in disorder. Wake up and have a good time together. Forever knot ruthless travel, phase Miao Yunhan. " Today, no matter men, women, children or any Chinese, as long as he raises his glass, he will chant "raise his glass to invite the bright moon and make three people to the shadow" to show his interest in the so-called elegance and drinking alone. The uniqueness of this poem has long been incorporated into the collective unconsciousness of our nation.