我渴望和平我渴望和平。 于是在一个静悄悄的黎明,我放飞了一只白鸽。 它衔着橄榄枝向着和平飞去了。 可是,世界会和平吗? “轰”——美国世贸大楼倒塌了,一阵阵凄厉的尖啸与撕心裂肺的哭喊声,打破了称雄于世的美国的宁静。 失去亲人的人们望着一片废墟,痛不欲生;而一小部分侥幸逃生的人正大口大口喘气,不敢相信好莱坞片式的惨景竟真的发生了! 坐在电视机前的我早已泪流满面,心里直呼唤:和平,你在哪儿? I long for peace. So in a quiet dawn, I released a dove. It carried the olive branch and flew towards peace. But will the world be peaceful? "Boom" - the collapse of the U. S. World Trade Center, a series of shrill screams and heartrending cries, broke the peace of the United States, which is the world leader. People who have lost their loved ones are looking at the ruins, and they are in agony. A small number of people who are lucky enough to escape are gasping for breath. I can't believe that the Hollywood style tragedy really happened! Sitting in front of the TV, I was already tearful, calling in my heart: peace, where are you? “9. 11”后,美国采取了“以牙还牙”的反恐策略,阿富汗遭到美遥的狂轰滥炸,和平的乐章划上了休止符,战争的喧嚣在这里骤响。 难民们流离失所,饥寒交迫,远在遥之遥的我,是多么同情这些无辜的人们啊。 After "9. 11", the United States adopted the anti-terrorism strategy of "tit for tat". Afghanistan was bombed by the U. S. Army, and the movement of peace was ended. The noise of war was heard here. How much I sympathize with these innocent people when refugees are displaced, hungry and cold, and far away. 我渴望和平,渴望一没有流血与眼泪的世界,渴望一个安祥、温馨的世界! 在我渴望的和平天堂里,有着高度发达的物质文明与精神文明,无论何种民族,何种肤遥,人们都相亲相爱;遥与遥,城市与城市,人与人互相携手,和平就是友谊的桥梁。 和平的世界,不再有核遥的魔影,不再有巨额的遥费,不再有贫富的差距;有的是清清的小河水,绿绿的芳草地;小鸟在湛蓝的天空遥飞翔,骏马在辽阔的原野尽情狂奔;和平从绿遥的地球延伸,向着未来,向着宇宙……噢,和平像看不完的画,是写不尽的诗! I long for peace, a world without blood and tears, a peaceful and warm world! In the heaven of peace I long for, there are highly developed material and spiritual civilization. No matter what nationality or color of skin, people love each other; countries and countries, cities and cities, people work together, and peace is the bridge of friendship. In a peaceful world, there is no longer a magic shadow of nuclear weapons, a huge amount of military spending, a gap between the rich and the poor; there are clear rivers and green grasslands; birds fly freely in the blue sky, horses gallop in the vast fields; peace extends from the green earth, towards the future, towards the universe Oh, peace is like an endless painting, an endless poem! 我渴望有一天,全世界的小朋友都骤集在一起,每人手里捧着一只和平鸽,“哗”——亿万只白鸽一齐展翅高飞,向着美好的明天,向着和平飞翔,飞翔……I am eager that one day, children from all over the world will gather together, holding a peace dove in each hand, "wow" - hundreds of millions of white doves flying together, towards a better tomorrow, towards peace, flying