江南可采莲“江南可采莲,莲叶何田田……”每次想起这首诗,脑海里就会出现采莲姑娘们嬉笑着采莲的画面。 虽然从来没有见过这种场面,却能想象得出:满是荷叶的水塘里,隐隐约约能看到几只小船穿梭其中,采莲姑娘们甜蜜的笑声和朴实的歌声,从那之中传出来。 荷花身上遥的清香萦绕在鼻梁旁,似乎自己也成了“花中君子”,气质就如“出污泥而不染”一般……莲,是遥十大名花遥,她以清纯脱俗,与世无争的形象赢得了许多人的青睐的目光。 当一滴露珠从莲的花瓣上滑到花瓣尖儿又调皮地碰到莲叶上再滚落到水中时,轻轻的一声“扑通”,给心灵上增加了一种震撼。 露珠滑动滚落的声音,我能听到,我的心也能听到,是那样的轻微,让人不得不仔细聆听,然后,忽然会有一种安静无杂念之感……"You can pick lotus in the south of the Yangtze River, lotus leaves and hetiantian. . . . . . " Every time I think of this poem, there will be pictures of picking lotus girls laughing at it. Although I have never seen such a scene before, I can imagine that in the pond full of lotus leaves, I can see a few boats passing through it faintly, and the sweet laughter and simple singing of the lotus picking girls come out of it. The unique fragrance of lotus lingers around the bridge of the nose. It seems that it has become a "gentleman in the flower" and its temperament is like "out of the mud but not stained" Lotus, one of China's top ten famous flowers, has won the favor of many people with her pure and unsophisticated image. When a drop of dew slips from the petal to the tip of the petal and mischievously touches the lotus leaf and then rolls into the water, a gentle "plop" adds a shock to the soul. I can hear the sound of dew sliding and rolling, and my heart can hear it. It's so slight that people have to listen carefully. Then, suddenly, there will be a sense of silence and no distractions“江南可采莲,莲叶何田田……”江南水乡的柔美造就了莲的清爽,虽然我生在江南,也住在江南。 却从未见过真正的“荷塘”,偶尔会发现路边池塘里多了几朵荷花,也偶尔会看见几个调皮的孩子下水摘几枝莲蓬,偷偷的窃笑和逐渐舒展的眉根以及微微上杨的嘴角,让人想起了什么,又忘掉了什么……“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的美景与我无缘,但我能感觉得到;采莲女的歌声与我无缘,但我也能想象得出。 也许,在遥,真的没有古代诗人所说是“莲”之美景,采莲女的歌声也离我们远去,然而,它却在我们心中久久回荡……"You can pick lotus in the south of the Yangtze River, lotus leaves and hetiantian. . . . . . " The softness of Jiangnan's water town makes the lotus fresh. Although I was born in Jiangnan, I also live in Jiangnan. But I have never seen the real "lotus pond". Occasionally, I find a few more lotus flowers in the roadside pond. Occasionally, I see a few naughty children go into the water to pick a few lotus plants, snicker secretly and gradually stretch the eyebrow root and slightly lift the corner of the mouth. It reminds me of something and forgets something The beauty of "the lotus leaves are boundless and the lotus flowers are different and red against the sun" has nothing to do with me, but I can feel it; the song of the lotus picking girl has nothing to do with me, but I can imagine it. Perhaps, in the present, there is really no beauty of "Lotus" as the ancient poets call it, and the song of the lotus picking girl is far away from us, however, it reverberates in our hearts for a long time“江南可采莲,莲叶何田田……”莲,在水中成就了她的君子风范,也在水中展示了她的淑女风采,在这个充满竞争的时代,依旧保持着她一贯的作风——亭亭玉立,远离纷争。 而我们需要向她学习的,就是静下心来,合理放松……"You can pick lotus in the south of the Yangtze River, lotus leaves and hetiantian. . . . . . " Lotus, in the water to achieve her gentleman style, but also in the water to show her lady style, in this competitive era, still maintain her consistent style - slim, away from disputes. What we need to learn from her is to calm down and relax reasonably“江南可采莲,莲叶何田田,鱼戏莲叶间……“再次品味这首诗,采莲似乎如此有趣。 "You can pick lotus in Jiangnan, lotus leaves in hetiantian, fish in lotus leaves "To taste this poem again, lotus picking seems so interesting.