雄伟的荆州长江大桥在遥明媚的时候,从空中鸟瞰江汉平原,映入你眼帘的是大片大片绿油油的稻田,星星点点点缀其间的是大大小小的湖泊。 奔腾的长江滚滚而下,像给平原围上了一条腰带。 在长江中游的荆江河段,荆州古城依江而居。 在这里,有诸葛亮、周瑜“羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭”的豪壮篇章,也有关羽大意失荆州、败走麦城的悲惨故事。 In the bright spring, from the air, you can have a bird's-eye view of Jianghan Plain. What you can see is a large area of green rice fields, dotted with large and small lakes. The surging Yangtze River rolled down like a belt around the plain. In the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Jingzhou Ancient City lives along the river. Here, there are Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu's heroic chapters of "feather fan and silk towel, talking and laughing, and the ashes of masts and scuttles", as well as the tragic stories about Yu's carelessness in losing Jingzhou and Maicheng. 在这里,207国道、318国道纵横相通,还有宜遥、襄荆、荆常三条高速公路交叉相连,可谓交通重地。 可谁曾想到,若干年前,这里还是靠轮渡过江,有多少次,长江两岸等待过江的车队如一字长龙,司机们苦不堪言,乘客们怨声载道。 更难忘,1989年正月十六,一辆满载返校大学生和外出打工者的大客车一头冲进长江,冰冷的江水吞噬了数十条鲜活的生命。 Here, 207 National Highway and 318 national highway are connected vertically and horizontally, as well as Yihuang, Xiangjing and Jingchang three expressways, which can be called a traffic important place. But who would have thought that a few years ago, this place still crossed the river by ferry. How many times have there been fleets waiting for the river on both sides of the Yangtze River? The drivers are suffering and the passengers are complaining. What's more, on January 16, 1989, a bus full of returning college students and migrant workers rushed into the Yangtze River. The cold water swallowed dozens of fresh lives. 终于,2002年的国庆节,“一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途”,投资14亿、历时四年半建设的荆州长江大桥正式通车了! 那一天,数以万计的荆州遥走上桥头,载歌载舞,尽情欢庆。 Finally, on the national day of 2002, "a bridge flies north and south, and the natural moat becomes a thoroughfare". The Jingzhou Yangtze River Bridge, with an investment of 1. 4 billion and a construction period of four and a half years, was officially opened to traffic! On that day, tens of thousands of Jingzhou people stepped onto the bridge, singing and dancing, and celebrating. 这是一座多么雄伟的大桥啊。 桥长4397米,由北岸引桥、荆州大堤桥、北岸滩桥、北汊通航孔桥、三八洲桥、南汊通航孔桥、南岸滩桥、荆南干堤桥和南岸引桥等9个部分组成。 桥宽24米,双向四车道,日通车能力可达2万辆以上。 桥面铺设墨绿遥遥沥青,夏不粘冬不脆,汽车驶过上面,舒坦平稳,就像人走在地毯上一样。 What a magnificent bridge it is. The bridge is 4397 meters long and consists of 9 parts, including the north bank approach bridge, Jingzhou embankment bridge, north bank beach bridge, North Branch navigation hole bridge, sanbazhou bridge, South Branch navigation hole bridge, south bank beach bridge, Jingnan main dike bridge and south bank approach bridge. The bridge is 24 meters wide, two-way and four lane, with a daily traffic capacity of more than 20000 vehicles. The bridge deck is paved with black green imported asphalt, which is not sticky in summer and brittle in winter. When the car drives over it, it is comfortable and stable, just like people walking on the carpet. 这是一座多么奇妙的大桥啊。 北汊通航引桥是主跨500米的PC斜拉桥,在亚洲堪称老大,全世界也是第二;三八洲连续梁桥,主跨150米,连续长度1100米,创国内之较。 大桥结构包揽了遥国内大跨度桥梁多种形式,简直就是“遥桥梁建设博物馆。 ”What a wonderful bridge it is. Beicha navigation bridge is a PC cable-stayed bridge with a main span of 500m, which is the largest in Asia and the second in the world. The continuous girder bridge with a main span of 150m and a continuous length of 1100m is the most in China. The bridge structure covers a variety of forms of long-span bridges at home and abroad, which is simply "China bridge construction Museum"这是一座多么美丽的大桥啊。 大桥主塔与南汊姊妹塔并肩而立,不锈钢拉索似凤凰展翅,要和荆州的经济一起腾飞。 阳光下,江遥总遥亲笔题写的桥名熠熠生光,折射出一派祥和。 墨绿遥的路面爽心悦目,令人心旷神怡。 What a beautiful bridge it is. The main tower of the bridge stands side by side with the sister tower of Nancha. The stainless steel cable spreads like a Phoenix, and it needs to take off with the economy of Jingzhou. Under the sun, the bridge name written by General Secretary Jiang Zemin is shining, reflecting a school of peace. The dark green road is refreshing and refreshing. 我们相信,今后会有更多更好的桥横跨长江,为当地的经济建设做出自己的贡献。 We believe that there will be more and better bridges across the Yangtze River in the future, making our own contribution to the local economic construction.